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Just how opposed to a pro-gun chairman IS the OhioGOP?

By Chad D. Baus

Earlier this month, we reported that plans to orchestrate an orderly transfer of power within the OhioGOP were under way, via the creation of the position of Deputy Chairman. We also noted that although he was not among those handpicked by OhioGOP Chairman Bob Bennett as a possible successor, State Representative Kevin DeWine (a three-time endorsee of this political action committee) had thrown his hat into the candidate's ring.

There has been much speculation as to whether or not Bennett, the muscle behind the likes of anti-gun politicians like Bob Taft, Mike DeWine, George Voinovich and Betty Montgomery, would keep our Second Amendment rights in mind when choosing a successor. 60% of participants in an online poll on the subject (which is still open for voting), say they believe Bennett would pick a clone - out of touch with gun owners.

With an Ohio blogger reporting that Kevin DeWine "is a lock for the new position", new information from a Cleveland Plain Dealer blog post may indicate that Bennett has decided to avoid DeWine's election by trashing the deputy chairman idea altogether.

Click on 'Read More' for the entire story.

From the Plain Dealer:

    Ohio Republican Party insiders are cooling a bit to the idea of appointing a deputy chairman to work alongside 10-term chairman Bob Bennett.

    The party recently floated the idea of naming a deputy who would take the reins when Bennett retires in 2008. But some members of the GOP central committee, who vote on the idea next month, want to look at alternatives to committing so soon to Bennett's successor.

As blogger Scott Pullins puts it, "a more likely scenario is that Bennett himself is pulling the plug on the idea." Why?

"When Bennett first hatched the idea," Pullins notes, "he proposed just 3 individuals for the post, Stark County GOP Chairman Curt Braden, Lake County GOP Chairman Dale Fellows and central committee member David Johnson, of Columbiana County."

"Johnson took himself out of the running, Braden hasn't campaigned, and Dale Fellows was late launching an effort. Meanwhile State Rep. Kevin DeWine began making phone calls, knocking on doors, and lining up support including that of powerful Summit County GOP leader Alex Arshinkoff."

Pullins concludes by saying that because he believes "DeWine has the votes today, the only question that remains is whether Bennett will actually allow it to go forward."

Buckeye Firearms Association's Larry Moore stated recently that "The position of Deputy Chairman of the ORP is not one that will appear on any state ballot."

"The position will be filled by the vote of the sixty-six members of the Ohio Republican State Central Committee. If you are involved and know members of your county central committee or state central committee members, I ask you to urge them to support Kevin DeWine as the Deputy Chair ORP."

The vote will not be taken until sometime in April. Buckeye Firearms Association will provide information regarding support and action prior to the vote.

Chad D. Baus is the Northwest Ohio Chair of Buckeye Firearms Association, and a Member of the Fulton Co. (OH) Republican Central Committee.

Related Story:
Is the OhioGOP (finally) getting the message from gun owners?

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