Desperate Harris' wild 2A claims are literally unbelievable
Vice President Kamala Harris is flailing. With just days before Election Day, she has called former President Donald J. Trump a fascist and now, added to the list, the agent who would unilaterally strip Black men of their Second Amendment rights.
That’s rich. The “joy” campaign has descended into unparalleled insults and accusations. Vice President Harris, who openly supported forcibly confiscating lawfully owned firearms, is levying accusations that a former president who protected Second Amendment rights would suddenly become its greatest villain. And with a racist twist. Remember President Joe Biden’s “Jim Eagle” accusations that landed flatly with voters? It’s back.
Harris made the absurd allegations on former NFL tight end Shannon Sharpe’s Club Shay Shay podcast. She asserted that Trump would tear up the U.S. Constitution and strip Black Americans of their First — and Second — Amendment rights.
Lobbing political bombs
“The question for everybody should be president of the United States. Right? That’s the question. Should he have the ability to sit behind the seal of president of the United States when he says he wants to terminate the Constitution of the United States?” Vice President Harris said. “You know what that would mean? In the Constitution of the United States is your Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure, your Fifth Amendment right, your Sixth Amendment right to an attorney. The First Amendment, the Second Amendment. … Look, I’m in favor of the Second Amendment. I don’t believe we should be taking anybody’s guns away.”
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Hold on one second. First, Harris lobbed this grenade of an allegation without any evidence. Former President Trump’s record clearly shows he would protect Second Amendment rights.
Second, Harris is projecting her own disastrous and unconstitutional policies on her political opponent. This is textbook gaslighting. It was Harris who supported a policy of confiscating handguns from all law-abiding citizens in San Francisco when she was a district attorney. She also claimed that police could walk into the homes of gun owners without a warrant to inspect how guns were stored. It was Vice President Harris, when she was California’s attorney general, who argued against the Bruen decision that held the Second Amendment is a right belonging to individual Americans. She argued that was a right belonging to the state, not citizens.
It was Harris who, as a U.S. Senator and candidate for president in 2019, said she would forcibly confiscate lawfully owned firearms from U.S. citizens, a clear violation of Second Amendment rights. It is Harris who, now as a candidate in 2024, would ban the sale of modern sporting rifles (MSRs), the most popular-selling centerfire rifle in America, with over 28.1 million already in circulation.
It is Harris who would put every law-abiding citizen who owns a gun on a government watchlist to enact universal background checks, and it is Harris who ignores the constitutional rights of due process to push for nationwide “red flag” laws that would deprive Americans of their ability to keep and bear arms without being able to adequately redress accusations before a court in a timely manner.
Friends like hers
Vice President Harris’ own party leaders have advocated not just eliminating Second Amendment rights but also are still arguing to eliminate First Amendment rights. Former U.S. Senator and Secretary of State John Kerry recently told the World Economic Forum that the First Amendment is a “major block” to stopping what he labels “disinformation.”
“You know there’s a lot of discussion now about how you curb those entities in order to guarantee that you’re going to have some accountability on facts, etc. But look, if people only go to one source, and the source they go to is sick and, you know, has an agenda, and they’re putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence,” Kerry said. “So what we need is to win the ground, win the right to govern, by hopefully winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change.”
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It wasn’t just him. Former Senator and Secretary of State — and 2016 Democratic nominee for president Hillary Clinton — agrees but wants to take it further. She wants to jail people for spreading what she would determine as “propaganda,” she said in an MSNBC interview highlighted by Reason. In another CNN interview highlighted by the New York Post, she said that by not reigning in social media outlets, “we now know that that was an overly simple view, that if the platforms, whether it’s Facebook or Twitter/X or Instagram or TikTok, whatever they are, if they don’t moderate and monitor the content, we lose total control.”
Vice President Harris talks about her reverence for the Second Amendment. Her track record proves otherwise. She has consistently supported legislation, lawsuits, and policies that would strip all Americans of their Second Amendment rights. These accusations, tossed out without evidence, are the signs of a flailing and increasingly desperate campaign. That’s why Americans from all walks of life must show up on Election Day and #GUNVOTE.
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