KEY RACE: Toledo Blade endorses Stratton & O’Connor for Supreme Court
Yet another major Ohio newspaper has endorsed Justice Evelyn Stratton (R) and Lt. Gov. Maureen O'Connor (R) for Ohio Supreme Court.
According to the Blade, "The bold line that is supposed to separate the legislative and judicial branches of state government has become increasingly blurred with each passing year as the court’s 4-3 philosophical majority sees itself as a super-legislature."
"Ohioans who’ve been dismayed by the shenanigans of this quartet have a special opportunity - and indeed an obligation - to do something about it on Nov. 5."
"Ohio’s best chance to return the court to its proper interpretive role is to re-elect Justice Stratton and to choose Maureen O’Connor for the open seat to be vacated by Mr. Douglas. If either of them looses, the quartet endures."
"Ohioans can resign themselves to a political circus without end, or they can seize the opportunity to lift this court above what it has become in recent years."
"They can accomplish the latter, and restore at least a modicum of respect to Ohio’s highest court, by reelecting Justice Evelyn Stratton and electing Maureen O’Connor to the open seat."
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