Lesson #08: Who Wins, Who Actually Loses, When Firearms Owners And Businesses Are Banned From the Premises?
Recently, one major U.S. bank toyed with the idea of closing all its accounts with customers who owned firearms-related businesses. Another chain of banks, and several businesses, established policies which banned concealed carry of firearms on their premises. Other businesses have adopted spokespersons or advertising actors who have openly spoken out against firearms owners. Some businesses have allowed fringe groups to put up kiosks or pamphlets on their premises opposing gun ownership. Many of these quickly withdrew or denied the policies in the face of strong and immediate pressure from firearms owners.
Who gains by such ban policies, and who loses? Are these policies effective in any way? Do these business policies prevent any firearms-related crime? Or do they affect only law-abiding customers? This excellent piece, published by T. Dave Gowan, Ph.D., can be accessed here: Who Wins, Who Actually Loses, When Firearms Owners And Businesses Are Banned From the Premises?
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