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Lesson #15: Ohio CHL-holders acting in self-defense

There was a good deal of acrimony over the need for Ohio's Concealed Handgun Licensure law, and the General Assembly was accused of knuckling under to a vocal micro-minority. As the establishment media and the gun ban crowd told it, no one needed/wanted this law. However, since passage of the law in 2004, over 100,000 law-abiding citizens have chosen to exercise their Constitutional right to bear arms for self-defense.

We will defer to the anti-gun industry to produce their examples of someone obtaining a license to go on a crime spree, or committing a crime of passion due to having a firearm readily at hand, as they predicted, and instead concentrate on the known examples of a CHL-holder acting in self-defense.

Buckeye Firearms Association has compiled a list of the known incidents of Ohio CHL-holders defending their own lives or the lives of others. It is not our intent to re-open old wounds or to gain from these tragedies. However, it is critical that the public understand how well this law is working.

Click here to access the list of Ohio CHL-holders acting in self-defense.

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.