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Lesson #19: Lt. Col Dave Grossman's Bullet-Proofing the Mind - A MUST for every concealed-carrier

By Chad D. Baus

Amateurs talk hardware. Professionals talk software. It doesn't matter what's in your hand or between your legs. It matters what's in your heart and in your head." - Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

The story of concealed handgun license-holder Jeanne Assam's brave actions to stop a murderous rampage killer in Colorado Springs, Colorado's New Life Church won't soon be forgotten.

But most Americans are totally unaware of what happened with the two other concealed handgun license-holders who confronted the killer that day.

The complete details about incident brings to mind something that I believe every concealed handgun license-holder needs to consider:

It is every bit as important to spend time and money getting training for the mental aspects of defending oneself in a deadly force encounter as it is to spend time and money on preparing for the physical aspects (i.e. obtaining the right equipment and learning how to use it).

Enter Lt. Col Dave Grossman's powerful mindset-oriented seminar, "Bullet-Proofing the Mind."

Click here to access "Lt. Col Dave Grossman's Bullet-Proofing the Mind - A MUST for every concealed-carrier".

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.