Letter to the Editor: Concealed weapon may come in handy

August 09, 2004
Cleveland Plain Dealer

I happen to believe in the right to bear arms, but I had never intended to apply for a concealed-weapon permit. On Aug. 1, I was brutally assaulted by two thugs.

I am almost 47 years old, and I just can't defend myself like I used to - especially against young punks. I really never saw the need to carry a weapon until this happened to me.

As soon as my injuries heal, my wife and I are going to purchase pistols and apply for the permits. I guess the old adage is true: "Talk all you want, but wait until it happens to you."

Edward J. Maltba

We hope Mr. Maltba makes a full and speedy recovery. As his experience shows,
you should not wait for a serious car accident to start wearing seat belts,
or wait until your house burns to install fire detectors.

Many never get the second chance Edward has.

According to the FBI's "Crime Clock" there is a murder every 32.4 minutes
in the U.S.A. There is a forcible rape every 5.5 minutes and an aggravated
assault every 35.3 seconds. There is a violent crime every 22.1 seconds or
over 530 every day.

Concealed carry laws reduce the number and severity of these crimes by
enabling the victims to defend themselves.

Ohioans for Concealed Carry will continue to work with law enforcement and the legislature to ensure that law-abiding citizens can defend their life and dignity anywhere people are attacked.

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.