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Letter: OFCC PAC Endorsee "Malone represents many Cincinnatians"

November 17, 2003

Thank goodness both Peter Bronson and Sam Malone have the courage to say what they believe, to stand behind their words with conviction and to try to make Cincinnati a better place. May I offer my congratulations to Malone on his victory; I look forward to hearing his voice on Cincinnati City Council.

He will represent a great number of city residents who share his attitude toward many issues, especially the suggested boycott. He will truly be an asset on council. I'm glad you reminded us that Councilwoman Alicia Reece shares the same anti-boycott position as Sam Malone. Hopefully, Sam will be able to enlighten other councilmen and city leaders with his refreshing point of view.

I have seen many Enquirer pictures of the new Charterite councilman but none of the new Republican, Councilman Sam Malone.

Kerin Hayes
Mount Lookout

Click here to read the letter in the Cincinnati Enquirer.

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