"Most anti-gun president in American history" to campaign in Ohio for Richard Cordray for governor
"Show me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are."
Cincinnati.com is reporting that former President Barack Hussein Obama will be in Ohio next week to campaign for Richard Cordray (D) in his bid to become Ohio's next governor.
From the article:
Cordray was an early supporter of Obama when he was the Illinois senator challenging the better-known Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination in 2008. Obama's Ohio visit for Cordray will be one of the former president's first public events of the midterm elections.
Obama's former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder also came to Ohio to campaign for Cordray over the summer.
Gun owners need no reminder of the level of hatred Obama displayed for them as president. Likewise, many will likely need no refresher on Holder's own antipathy toward gun owners. But for those who are newer to the fight for Second Amendment rights, consider their record:
- Support for banning handguns.
In a 1996 candidate questionaire the "Independent Voters of Illinois" asked if Obama supported state legislation to "ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns." Obama's answer: "Yes."
- The D.C. gun ban.
In 2007, Obama's campaign told the Chicago Tribune he "believes the D.C. handgun law is constitutional." In 2008, Holder signed an amicus brief in the Heller case that supported the District of Columbia’s handgun ban, and also argued that the Second Amendment does not protect an individual right.
- The BATFE's "Fast & Furious" program.
In 2009, the newly-appointed Attorney General Holder immediately began attempts to draw a connection between drug crimes in Mexico with the American right to bear arms, and suggested that the Obama administration would seek to renew the failed Clinton Gun Ban, something Obama had denied during his 2008 campaign.
After claims by the Obama administration that 90% of Mexican crime guns came from the U.S. were debunked, Obama's Justice Department, headed by Holder, and BATFE began forcing gun dealers to let guns "walk" out the door in the hands of known criminals, who then smuggled them across the border where authorities failed to even attempt to track them. The program placed thousands of rifles and pistols into the hands of Mexican drug gangs, which emails confirmed was exactly what the administration intended, hoping enough violence would spill over into the United States so that the American people would call for gun sales restrictions, or at least provide the Obama administration with the information to impose such restriction. Guns were used, as mentioned above, in the death of American border patrol agent Brian Terry, as well as Mexican teenagers and even an assassination attempt against a high-ranking Mexican law enforcement official.
Holder and his subordinates' behavior during the investigation of the scandal was deplorable. When the scandal became public, Holder attempted to claim only recent knowledge of the operation, but it was later revealed that he knew about it much sooner. Whistle-blowers were threatened. More than 70,000 documents were withheld from Congress. At one point Holder even claimed that emails using the words ‘Fast and Furious’ weren't referring to Operation Fast and Furious. And so, on June 28, 2012, Holder was held in contempt of Congress - the first time a sitting member of a president's cabinet has been held in contempt of Congress.
- The FDIC's "Operation Chokepoint."
In the words of Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-Mo.), "Operation Chokepoint" was "a DOJ-initiated effort that aims to force businesses, many of which are licensed and legally-operating, out of the financial service space and therefore, out of business.” Its targets included firearm and ammunition manufacturers and retailers.
- ‘I take personally as a failure’ the inability to pass gun control.
When he resigned in 2014, outgoing Attorney General lamented that his greatest personal failure as Attorney General was not getting more stringent gun control laws passed.
Likewise, President Obama has said a failure to pass gun control had been the greatest frustration of his presidency, and promised he would not stop working on it.
That anti-gun rights extremists Barack Obama and Eric Holder believe that Richard Cordray (D) is the best choice for governor in Ohio should tell gun owners everything they need to know about the choice between Cordray and current Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine (R).
When gun owners apply the old adage "show me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are" to Rich Cordray, it makes it absolutely impossible to consider a vote for him in November.
Chad D. Baus is the Buckeye Firearms Association Secretary and an NRA-certified firearms instructor. He is co-founder of BFA-PAC, and served as its Vice Chairman for 15 years. He is the editor of BuckeyeFirearms.org, which received the Outdoor Writers of Ohio 2013 Supporting Member Award for Best Website.
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