News about City of Lorain's treatment of openly armed citizens mixed, of late
On Oct. 19, the City of Lorain recently played host to an open carry Potluck Picnic and 'Defense' Walk, and by all accounts, the event went extremely well. Police officers were professional and, for the most part, 100% supportive. One fire truck even blasted their horn in support as they drove by, and that show of support was seen on the 6 o'clock news in Cleveland.
Lorain made national news for an entirely different reason this week, due to an incident involving a police officer arresting a 9-year-old child for "inducing panic", after a passer-by reported he was "brandishing" what turned out to be a toy gun while playing on a park bench. Some witnesses claimed the officer aimed his own firearm at the child's head in the process of arresting him and cuffing him, but the police department denies those allegations.
The Lorain police department has now recommended that the charges against the boy be dropped, and Lorain County Prosecutor Jeff Manning (2002 OFCC PAC endorsee, and pro-HB12 voter who resigned his seat to accept this job) has done so.
All too frequently, it is often ONLY when a law enforcement group opposes something like concealed carry reform that the media give them the benefit of the doubt. It is quite possible the news accounts about this incident are inaccurate, since is is well known the media is often guilty of convicting officers for abuses on their pages before the facts are in. We would not presume to do so here. Concerns do remain over the continued prosecution of the boy's mother for obstructing official business (her son being arrested) and for resisting arrest.
In the end, it seems that the person who reported this to police as something other than child's play is the only one who should be charged for "inducing panic." Thankfully, the innocent boy was not seriously injured.
Click on the "Read More..." link below to read a pro-Lorain law enforcement/ pro-CCW letter to that city's Mayor, from a first-responder who works there.
Respected Mayor Foltin,
I was happy to read of your concern for the safety forces of Lorain in a recent article published in the Elyria Chronicle-Telegram. (10/10/03 – Gun-rights advocate plans march)
As a paramedic in Lorain for 10-years now, I have responded with the police department to random acts of brutal assaults, robberies, shootings, stabbings and rapes. Being first on such scenes of violence, and having witnessed first-hand the devastating effect they have on
everyone involved, I’ve often wondered how these incidents could have been prevented.
I’ve been fortunate to develop an outstanding report with many of the
police officers that serve Lorain. I have no doubt that the police officers of Lorain would do anything possible to prevent a murder, robbery or rape from ever taking place. Even if that “anything” meant
putting themselves in jeopardy, they would not hesitate to act. I know this to be an unquestionable fact as they have responded to my calls for help when situations have become too dangerous for me to stay render medical care.
However, exactly in same manner that I as a paramedic am limited and unable to “save” every patient, nobody can rightfully anticipate that the police will be able prevent or stop every crime from taking place.
Law-abiding citizens know that they must take responsibility for their own defense and security. Those who choose to do so by carrying a firearm are doing nothing more than making a conscious decision to not
be a defenseless victim.
It is easy to correlate the advantages of doing what’s best for the citizens as being what’s best for those of us who serve those citizens. All it takes is to look at the drop in crime the law-abiding citizens of
other states who allow concealed carry enjoy. That in and of itself should be enough to ease any concerns of increased danger to the city’s safety forces. After all, how can a drop in crime be translated into an increased danger to anybody?
The Ohio Supreme Court has made undeniably clear that it is the
constitutionally protected right of every law-abiding citizen to openly carry a loaded firearm if they so choose. What now remains to be seen is whether citizens will be forced to continue carrying openly, or be given the more subtle option of carrying concealed.
I personally do not feel at all threatened by law-abiding citizens carrying a firearm. While this undoubtedly comes from own background and experience, I can say that many of my law enforcement friends have
repeatedly expressed the same view.
Law-abiding citizens are good citizens and friends of public servants; their being armed makes them no different.
Gary D. Flynn, REMT-P
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