
Rep. Peterson (R-2) named assistant whip

Delaware's State Rep. Jon Peterson (R-2), endorsed by OFCC PAC in the 2002 election, was elected by fellow legislators to serve as assistant majority whip in the Ohio House of Representatives. The position is the sixth ranking spot in the Republican leadership team. Peterson, who began his second term in the legislature last month, said his main responsibility is to work with House Speaker Larry...

CCW Ban ''unconstitutional'', but who's telling?: Ohio News Blackout Pt. II

Those who have been following the "Klein et. al. v. Leis et. al" lawsuit in Hamilton County (for which Ohioans For Concealed Carry is a funding co-plaintiff), will recall that in the days following the concurrent ruling on appeal, a virtual media blackout occurred across the state. The Los Angeles Times and FOX News Channel provided more coverage of the 1st District Court of Appeals' unanimous...

Seneca Court Ruling Now Available

We've managed to put together a copy of the Seneca Court ruling by scanning and OCR'ing the actual 18 page ruling. You can grab a PDF copy right here , or by accessing the Downloads link on the menu bar above. This file was manually constructed and edited to fix errors generated by the OCR and may be missing characters or complete words. However, the majority of the ruling is easily readable (we'...

AGAIN! Concealed gun ban overturned by Seneca County judge

2 DOWN, 86 COUNTIES TO GO!: AGAIN! Yet another Ohio judge has ruled that Ohio's law against carrying a concealed weapon is unconstitutional. "The statute deprives Ohio citizens of an effective means of self-defense," said Seneca County Common Pleas Judge Michael P. Kelbley in an 18-page ruling filed Tuesday. "The Constitution states in clear terms that the people of Ohio have the right to bear...

NEW at Education Guide

It a common mistake among many pro-gun advocates to assume everyone they talk to, or everyone that logs on to a website such as ours, is familiar with the matters related to concealed carry reform, and come here simply looking for how they can help make the legislation a legal reality. But more and more frequently, OFCC PAC receives inquiries from visitors looking for more factual data on WHY...

FOLLOW UP: CCW Debate At University of Akron

Late last week, Ohioans for Concealed Carry urged its members and supporters in the Akron area to attend a debate at Akron University on Tuesday, February 11. The Akron University Sociology Club sponsored the debate "to help voters understand both sides of the issue of 'Civilians carrying concealed weapons.'" University of Akron Chief of Police Paul Callahan represented the position of the anti-...

Ohio sex offenders: Where are they?

Ohio law officers cannot find at least 301 sex offenders -- including 38 in central Ohio -- who have failed to register their address as required by the state's Megan's Law. Of those in central Ohio, 33 are supposed to be in Franklin County and five in surrounding counties. Among the wanted are predators who have committed violent rapes, including one Columbus man involved in a gang rape of two...

Akron: Yet another attack after ''restraining'' order fails to restrain

Akron man charged in woman's stabbing AKRON: An Akron man was charged Saturday with stabbing the mother of his 4-year-old son in front of the child. Mickie T. Barmore, 23, is charged with aggravated burglary, felonious assault, domestic violence, violation of a civil protection order, child endangering and domestic violence menacing. Police said he entered Eleanor D. Heller's home in the 400...

Cincy cop assaulted with his own nightstick shoots, kills attacker

This from the Cincinnati Enquirer: Burglary suspect shot, killed by police in Cincinnati In Hamilton County, where two courts and four judges ruled Ohio's felony prohibition against carrying firearms for self-defense is unconstitutional, a police officer was forced to use deadly force when an burglary suspect turned on him with the officer's nightstick. One can only imagine the reaction this...

Latest Million Mom attack on Jim Trakas (R-17)

The Million Mommies just won't let up on Jim Trakas (R-17) . After enduring a littany of televised attack ads, and the staging of a poorly attended and politically unsuccessful election eve opposition rally, Rep. Jim Trakas probably thought the Mommies were silenced on election day, when he soared to a convincing victory, taking votes nearly 2 to 1. Little did he know, his anti-CCW foes would...

HB12 Assigned to Criminal Justice Committee

House Bill 12 was assigned to the Criminal Justice Committee, which meets at 2:30pm Tuesday afternoons. After a one week inclement weather delay, HB12 is scheduled for its first committee hearing on Tuesday, February 25. If you intend to go to HB12 hearings (and you really should) please start planning to car pool with as many people as you can on a Tuesday afternoon. Hearings are held in room...

Sheriffs warn of apparent desire to turn Highway Patrol into State Police

The Gongwer News Service is reporting that representatives of sheriffs and county commissioners are scheduled to meet later this month to address what the county law enforcement officials believe may be a move toward turning the Ohio Highway Patrol into a state police agency and eliminating the position of sheriff. OFCC PAC Commentary: It should come as no surprise that the Taft administration...

Tale of Two Cities: West Jefferson family robbed; Tacoma couple shoots back

WEST JEFFERSON - Police report that a 27-year-old man, his 20-year-old wife and the couple's infant child were returning to their 50 1/2 S. Main St. apartment after cashing their tax return check on Jan. 23, when they were approached in a stairwell by two white males in ski masks. Ronald Killian III, 20, and Charles R. Hutchins III, 19, held the couple against a wall and threatened them with a...

Terror Alert prompts further concerns with CCW ''victim zone'' exclusions

WASHINGTON, Feb. 6 — The Bush administration Friday raised the national terror alert from yellow to orange, citing a U.S. intelligence warning of a "high risk" of terrorist attack, a senior administration official said. It's the second highest level in the color-coded system. The worldwide alert comes on the heels of intelligence indications of plans for a “major attack” as early as next week...

Tale of Two Cities: Columbus jeweler shot, paralyzed; Philly robber dead

James Antonio McAfee, 26, admits that he had held up Amnon Gerberg, owner of the Diamond Connection, as Gerberg was outside his store at 3354 E. Broad St. Gerberg, 45, was trying to shield himself with a briefcase containing $400,000 worth of jewels when McAfee shot him twice, damaging his spine and a lung, prosecutors said. Yesterday, U.S. District Judge George C. Smith sentenced McAfee to 12 1/...

Wapakoneta Daily News: CCW Bill Returns

"A bill allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons reintroduced last week into the state House has a better chance of passage this year," local representative Rep. Derrick Seaver (D-Minster) says, despite differing little from the measure that died [after being gutted in the Senate] last session. Click on the "Read More..." link below for a great interview with Democrat Rep. Derrick Seaver,...

Tale of Two Cities: Toledo store mgr. shot; Seattle pharmacist shoots back

The manager of a West Toledo carryout was shot in his hip-upper thigh area yesterday by a woman who robbed the business of an undetermined amount of money, police said. Osand Tahboub, 34, of Toledo was in fair condition last night in Toledo Hospital. He told police the woman entered the Marathon station, 3023 Dorr St., about 8:40 a.m., pulled out a handgun, and demanded money. After Mr. Tahboub...

Tale of Two Cities: Troy video store robbed; Jacksonville robber killed

Woman sought in store robbery Dayton Daily News TROY | Police are looking for a woman who pulled a gun on a video rental store employee Friday and took off with a small amount of cash. According to a 911 report, the woman entered Diamond Video, at 19 S. Norwich Road, about 7 p.m. and looked at rental movies. She approached the counter with several items and pulled a gun when the employee opened...

Pt. II: ''Victim Zone'' exclusions are BAD for law-abiding Ohio citizens

As the Ohio General Assembly looks ahead to committee consideration of HB12 and SB24, we believe serious consideration should be given to removing language involving the creation of "victim zones" in Ohio, where persons are prohibited from exercising their constitutional right to self-defense. The recent rash of armed robberies in Cincinnati outline a prime reason why "victim zone" exclusions for...

Cleveland Plain Dealer: Police say shock devices didn't work

A story in the Cleveland Plain Dealer illustrates why non-lethal sidearms are not adequate substitutes for the exercise of Ohioans' constitutional right to carry a firearm for their defense & security. 02/04/03 Karen Farkas Plain Dealer Reporter Akron - Police are trying to find out why Taser weapons did not disable suspects in two recent cases. One suspect was subsequently shot and killed,...

Story: Gun bill back again, and so are its critics

A story by reporter Leo Shane III, covering the introduction and outlook for HB12, has been published in the Lancaster Eagle Gazette, the Mansfield News Journal, the Newark Advocate and the Coshocton Tribute this week (all four papers are owned by Gannett's "Newspaper Network of Central Ohio"). The article lends itself to the idea that the anti's have forfeited the Ohio House in 2003, and will be...

Ohio House announces committee assignments/ schedules

OFCC PAC has obtained a list of Committee Assignments, as well as meeting schedules, for the Ohio House in the 125th General Assembly. These two downloadable files include: - Who was assigned to what committee - What committees exist (including some new ones this year) - Where and when these committees will meet The two committees that will most likely be of interested to pro-CCW individuals...

FOP spokesman: Blatant disregard for the TRUTH

by Chad D. Baus One would think someone in the position of being spokesman for thousands of law enforcement officers in this state would try, at least a tiny bit, get his facts straight. But Mike Taylor, spokesperson for the Ohio Fraternal Order of Police, embarrasses the people he is handsomely paid to represent every time he opens his mouth about concealed carry reform, making statements that...

Reminder: Stark County Park Board hearing Wed., Feb. 5

The next Stark County Park Board hearing will be held Wednesday, February 5, 2003. Among discussion items will be the subject of the continued ban on park rangers carrying firearms while on duty. For complete details on the plight of the Stark County Park Rangers, who are prevented from carrying a firearm in commission of their duties, click here .

John Lott, author of ''More Guns, Less Crime'', contributes to PAC investigation

John Lott, author of More Guns, Less Crime , has contacted OFCC PAC regarding our recent investigative story entitled "Who Is John J. Donohue III?" , which detailed the liberal bias behind the author of a study attempting to discredit John Lott's work. In addition to his initial rebuttal we mentioned in that report, John Lott informed us of "seven [other] papers that provide evidence that...


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