
Well-known Cincy WCPO Reporter arrested, charged for sexually molesting kids

Public trust and the "RIGHT TO KNOW": Should background checks be given to reporters? Should there be a public records registry letting concerned citizens known if an Ohio reporter lives in their neighborhood? Do we have the ability to choose not to share space with the Ohio media elite? February 28, 2004 Cincinnati WCPO (ABC) TV WCPO Employee Arrested A well-known employee of WCPO has been...

Fear-tactics: WCPO working to scare Ohio business-owners about concealed carry

February 27, 2004 Cincinnati WCPO (ABC) TV Ohio Attorney General Works To Clarify Concealed Carry Law When Ohio's concealed weapon law kicks in there are going to be plenty of places you can not carry a gun. It is likely that list is going to include a lot more places than those you have already heard about. The law restricts guns from places like schools, libraries and where alcohol is served. A...

Senior citizen pulls gun on knife-wielding robber

To believe gun ban extremists, stories like this don't happen. February 26, 2004 Bucks County Courier Times A senior citizen using the men's room yesterday at a popular Middletown eatery was approached by a would-be robber waving a knife. The potential victim responded by pulling out his own weapon - a handgun. A thin, white male between 25 and 30 years old tried to rob the 68-year-old Langhorne...

April 8 becomes June 7? One Ohio newspaper thinks it's a definite

Questions remain on concealed carry February 25, 2004 Mt. Vernon News MOUNT VERNON — In the wake of the recent passing of the concealed carry law (H.B. 12), many questions still remain. For instance, when exactly will one be able to apply for a permit? How much training does one need, and where is it available? The concealed carry law officially goes into effect on April 8. However, the public...

Rep. Cirelli faces three in primary

Incumbent's campaign emphasizes experience Feb. 25, 2004 Akron Beacon Journal Three Democrats are challenging Rep. Mary M. Cirelli in Tuesday's primary. Cirelli, a Canton Democrat, became the 52nd District's representative in 2000. She is being challenged by William J. Healy II, Craig Massey and Thomas L. Robinson for the chance to face Republican Mandwel D. Patterson in November. Cirelli said...

Ohio newspaper editors play make believe with gun controllers

Honestly, are the editors of Ohio's major newspapers COMPLETELY bankrupt when it comes to journalistic integrity? For a look at what an agenda-driven newspaper does when liberal activist groups like Americans for Gun "Safety" release "findings": See the Columbus Dispatch: February 20, 2004: Right to know: Barring public access to federal data on guns is outrageous move January 13, 2004: 2 city...

Letter to the Editor: Anti-gun coalition is losing grip on reality

February 24, 2004 Toledo Blade Apparently still stinging from snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence is again attempting to wield its influence regarding the issue of concealed carry. Although displaying remarkable tenacity in its fight for a lost cause, the OCAGV authorized a press release on Feb. 13 encouraging all that "If you see someone with a gun...

Plenty left to do before gun law goes into effect

Attorney general must print material; sheriffs may not have staff for permits February 23, 2004 Columbus Dispatch While the state attorney general’s office wrestles with the complicated conceal/carry law for its advent April 8, proponents and opponents are waging an Internet battle to try to influence how it plays out. Anti-gun groups are lobbying businesses to ban handguns, which is allowed...

Man beaten and robbed while at work

Ohio's businesses have NO business infringing on their employees' and customers' right to bear arms for self-defense. Police seek 2 men who beat, robbed lawn-service owner February 24, 2004 Columbus Dispatch A robbery in Blendon Township is the crime of the week in the Crime Stoppers program. On Feb. 15, the owner of McLain’s Lawn Service, 6161 Westerville Rd., surprised two men stealing rock...

HIV rape suspect set free by mistake

Akron man carrying virus accused of sexual assault mistakenly let out of jail Feb. 24, 2004 Akron Beacon Journal An HIV-infected Akron man accused of raping a man and beating another was mistakenly released from the Summit County Jail almost two weeks ago. So far, sheriff's deputies have been unable to locate Patrick C. Geiger, 35, who was allowed to leave the county jail Feb. 13 on a signature...

Victim Zone: Armed robbers strike on & near near UC again

On-campus theft attempted as well February 24, 2004 The (University of Cincinnati) News Record Another armed robbery was reported early Friday morning, and an on-campus theft attempt was reported Thursday. Two men with handguns approached four students at about 1:30 a.m. Friday on Warner Street near West Clifton Avenue and demanded their money, according to the students. "We just gave them what...

Another plain-clothes officer thwarts crime

This carjacker had little way to know his intended victim was actually a plain-clothes police officer. The more armed citizens carjackers and other criminals can expect to encounter in Ohio, the fewer chances they'll take... February 20, 2004 Cincinnati Enquirer Suspect Charged With Attempted Murder Of An Officer Cincinnati Police have charged a North Fairmount man with attempted murder of an...

Ohio Library Council has hand out - and discriminatory signs up

According to a recent Toledo Blade story, the Ohio Library Council is currently galavanting across the state, recommending that libraries post discriminatory signs banning concealed handgun license (CHL) -holders. OFCC has learned that bureaucrats at the Cleveland Public Libraries, as well as Lorain Public Libraries, are planning to post signs banning firearms, including those openly carried (...

Local Ch. 12 Television Survey on 2/19/02

OFCC supporter GTC submitted the following story to the OFCC website. On 2/19/04, the local television station (Ch. 12) in Cincinnati, Ohio, ran a survey on their 5 o'clock newscast. They wanted to see, if, the viewing public felt the new "concealed weapons law would reduce or have an effect on the crime rate in Greater Cincinnati. The above survey was run along with an interview of a local...

Deputy jumps gun, then points it at men

February 21, 2004 Cleveland Plain Dealer Lakewood-Two men searching in a friend's car for change to pay their bar tab were surprised by an off-duty Cuyahoga County sheriff's deputy who thought they were stealing from the car and stuck a loaded gun in their faces, police said. The deputy also put his gun to the head of the car owner and aimed the weapon at a man talking on a cell phone nearby,...

Plan would erase concealed-weapons permits database

The Rotten Apples and Sour Grapes in Ohio's media must shiver at the thought of having to post headlines like these in Ohio. That day will come. February 19, 2004 Rocky Mountain News A measure that would erase the Colorado Bureau of Investigation's database of concealed-weapons permits is headed to the Colorado House. House Bill 1205 would change a law passed last year that created statewide...

Youth has its day at Council

February 23, 2004 Fremont News-Messenger Concealed weapons, reckless driving in school zones and economic development were among the key issues discussed by area high school students for the city's annual Youth Government Day. About 25 students from both Ross and St. Joe High Schools conducted a 30 minute mock-meeting following Fremont City Council's regularly scheduled meeting Thursday night...

Dayton Children's Medical Center planning to discriminate against CHL-holders

OFCC has learned that Children's Medical Center in Dayton, a privately-owned, for-profit hospital, has adopted the Ohio Hospital Association's victim-zone mentality, and is planning to post discriminatory signs to ward off law-abiding customers. According to our sources, the following internal communication was recently dispatched by hospital bureaucrats: Children's working on policy to prevent...

The Friend of Mine Enemy Is My...

Feb. 22, 2004 Akron Beacon Journal County executive endorses candidate AKRON - Summit County Executive James B. McCarthy has endorsed candidate Gregg Cramer of Fairlawn in the Democratic primary race for state representative from the 41st House District. Cramer is running against Clark Hosick and Brian Williams, both of Akron. Commentary: In late January, Summit Co. Executive James McCarthy...

Two state senators face challengers within their parties

February 22, 2004 Cleveland Plain Dealer Two incumbent state senators in Northeast Ohio face primary challenges on March 2, and a pair of local state representatives are facing off for a third Senate seat. Sen. Bob Spada, a North Royalton Republican first appointed to the Senate in 1999, faces opposition from Broadview Heights Councilman Donald Sopka. Meanwhile, appointed Sen. Kimberly Ann Zurz...

Akron PD to give block-watch group advice on new CHL law

February 22, 2004 Akron Beacon Journal AKRON: The Akron Police Department has started a Main Street block-watch group for businesses in downtown Akron. Police will regularly share information with block-watch members about downtown crime and crime suspects. Officers also will offer members classes on personal safety. The first meeting will be at 8:30 a.m. Thursday at Harry Buffalo, 222 S. Main St...

Sheriffs attend training on new CHL law in Columbus

Ohio working out 'bugs' in concealed law February 22, 2004 Palladium-Item (Richmond, IN) EATON, Ohio -- Camden resident Jan Gitz expects to be among the estimated 71,000 Ohio residents who will carry a concealed weapon under House Bill 12 this year. Gitz is self-employed and her work takes her out on the road late at night and sometimes to neighborhoods where she feels unsafe. She supported...

Audit finds trouble in city Police Department

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 02/20/04 Atlanta's troubled Police Department for years has failed to confront a serious crime problem and has even downplayed it, a new audit concludes. Police Chief Richard Pennington said the report, to be released today, describes a department where crime reports have been either intentionally suppressed or lost through sloppy record keeping. The result has...

Letter to the Editor: Toledo Police surely have better things to do

February 21, 2004 Toledo Blade It's official. There are two people in each anti-smoking detection squad. Along with them is at least one Toledo police officer and a police vehicle. I can't believe the mayor and city council are wasting resources that should be out protecting the community and getting real criminals off the street. Criminals are killing and maiming ordinary Toledo citizens...

Dayton Daily News: Gun lobby shows clout in Ohio

Editor's Note: The DDN contacted the author in preparation for this story, which reveals that pro-concealed carry letters, calls, faxes and emails outpaced those sent by anti-gunners by more than 11 to 1 since Taft took office in 1999. Following the DDN story, is documentation of the wealth of information we provided the DDN on the history of OFCC's grassroots fight, but which Bischoff was not...

What Business Owners Need to Know About the Ohio Concealed Handgun Law

Ohioans For Concealed Carry has announced the launch of a new, web-based educational guide for business owners, aimed at answering their questions about implementation of the new concealed handgun license (CHL) law. After failing to scare business lobbyists into the fight in 2003, and after loosing in the legislative arena just weeks ago, gun ban lobbyists are now hoping to convince business...

Ohio's working families deserve right to self-defense to and from jobs

Man shot, injured on way to West End job February 19, 2004 Cincinnati Post A builder on his way to work in the West End today was shot as he drove onto his construction site this morning. Police said the man, Alan Stenger, was stopped by a pedestrian as he was driving a white Dodge Ram pickup into the Reece Campbell construction site at Linn Street and Derrick Turnbow Avenue, at 8:10 a.m. The two...

Right to self-defense coming too late for some domestic violence victims

Woman shot in front of son, 10 February 20, 2004 Cincinnati Post HIGHLAND HEIGHTS -- At sunrise Wednesday, with three blasts from a high-caliber rifle, the troubled lives and marriage of Charles and Cloay Swope came crashing down right before the horrified eyes of their 10-year-old son. So unreal, it seemed to neighbors, spotting Cloay's lifeless body collapsed in a pool of blood on the front...

Toledo Library board will post signs banning guns

February 20, 2004 Toledo Blade Pistol-packing library patrons will have to leave their guns in their cars. The Toledo-Lucas County Public Library Board of Trustees voted yesterday to post signs outside the system’s libraries announcing that no firearms can be taken inside its buildings in response to the state’s concealed carry law, which takes effect in April. Library Director Clyde Scoles said...

OFCC announces establishment of Ohio Media Monitoring Task Force

CLEVELAND, February 19, 2004 – Ohioans For Concealed Carry, Ohio’s largest grassroots concealed carry rights organization, has announced the formation of the OFCC Media Monitoring Task Force ( [email protected] ). The organization, comprised totally of grassroots volunteers from across the state, will monitor Ohio's media outlets, documenting any instances of abuse of the public records...


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