
Columbus talk-show host working as guard shoots two

The NBC4 Columbus is reporting that Columbus radio talk-show host Cornell McCleary shot two men, seriously injuring one of them, last night while working as a security guard at an East Side apartment complex. According to the report, police questioned McCleary, 51, then released him without filing charges. From the story: The shooting happened at about 6 p.m. at an apartment complex on Vineshire...

Toledo officials offer contradictory statements on park ban challenge

Judging by recent coverage in the Toledo Blade, city officials are beginning to contradict themselves publicly as they struggle to decide how to deal with an activist who has announced he will challenge the city's ban on carrying firearms for self-defense in parks next week. Yesterday , Toledo City Councilman Wilma Brown told the newspaper she would try to stop the parks department from issuing a...

Op-Ed: Only a gun could have stopped Jeff Weise

March 30, 2005 St. Paul (MN) Pioneer Press By Mark Yost In the week since teenage gunman Jeff Weise walked into Red Lake Senior High School and killed five students, a teacher and a security guard before killing himself, the usual voices from the usual precincts have been asking: What can we do to keep this from happening next time? How about arming security guards, as well as a handful of...

LTE: Incident exaggerated

March 29, 2005 Dayton Daily News Re "Bullet-riddled block pleads for help," March 14: Only a city boy writer for the Dayton Daily News could: • Make a .22 rifle into an automatic weapon. • Pretend that school buses are targets. • Turn one .22 slug into a bullet-riddled neighborhood. • Make a .22 hole in a window look a foot wide. • Ignore countless shootings in Dayton, but denigrate Waynesville...

Philly Inquirer Op-Ed: Right-to-carry law is the way to go

March 29, 2005 Philadelphia Inquirer By John R. Lott Jr. While murder rates have been falling or have been flat for years in the rest of the country, Philadelphia's rate has been rising. Last year's murder rate was the highest since 1993, and Philadelphia replaced Chicago, the perennial leader, as the top 10 largest city with the highest murder rate. With 85 murders in the first 88 days of 2005,...

Ohioans For Concealed Carry Issues 2005 Ohio Concealed Handgun License Report

For Immediate Release March 29, 2005 OhioCCW is a success! CLEVELAND - Ohio's Concealed Handgun License program is one of the most successful consumer protection programs in state history, according to a first-ever report released today by Ohioans For Concealed Carry, the state's largest grassroots organization focused solely on protecting and improving Ohioans' right to bear arms for self-...

Anti-self-defense GOP candidate picks up dubious endorsement is reporting that Ohio gubernatorial-hopeful Betty Montgomery, who opposes Ohioans' right to bear arms for self-defense, has picked up an endorsement from another person with a checkered past when it comes to concealed carry issues. According to the report, Hamilton County Sheriff Simon Leis has given his support to Ohio Auditor of State Betty Montgomery. Additionally, Leis...

Man plans to test gun ban in Toledo parks

The Toledo Blade is reporting * that a Toledo-area man is planning to test the city's ban on firearms in parks by hosting a gathering at Toledo's Ottawa Park to celebrate the first anniversary party of Ohio's concealed-carry law at noon April 9, while carrying his 45-caliber semi-automatic handgun in violation of the city's ban on guns in its parks. From the story: April 8 marks the first...

LTE: Gun-safety program should be mandatory

March 29, 2005 Columbus Dispatch It’s only a matter of time before we hear anti-gun pundits thumping their chests over the second-grader who found a handgun and brought it to school. Instead of answers to the problem, they’ll use this incident to further their agenda to ban more guns, as if that is prevention. What we need is statewide prevention through mandatory education. We will never be able...

Op-Ed: Gun laws won't protect you from someone bent on violence

March 26, 2005 Salt Lake Tribune By W. Clark Aposhian We at Utah Self-Defense Instructors' Network (US-DIN) are deeply saddened at the senseless loss of life that occurred last week at Red Lake High School in Minnesota. This situation, like other recent mass shootings, is frustrating to us in that we believe they are largely preventable. This is yet another shooting in another place ignorantly...

Gun grabbers call: take guns out of homes (presumably even cops')

In the vain hope that the political climate of the 2000’s will mirror that of the Clinton 90’s, the gun ban lobby wasted no time in attempting to capitalize on the Red Lake High School shootings, despite the obvious fact that the fallacies of gun control were on display that cold Minnesota Monday. Following is a shameful press release issued by Ohio’s own gun ban extremist Toby Hoover, who fronts...

Protest letters continue to flood Ashland Times-Gazette – will they be printed?

The editor of the Ashland Times-Gazette, who recently announced that he has taken the privacy of 400 or more concealed handgun license (CHL)-holders hostage, and will release the information unless the Ohio General Assembly bends to his will, is certainly hearing from his readers. Many of them have copied OFCC when the letters were sent, and many say they have received NO replies. The question...

Former AAA member shares note he received after canceling membership

For some consumers, OFCC’s recent story on the discriminatory policy of the AAA Ohio Motorists’ Association came as a surprise. Others have written to let us know they’ve been fighting this policy at Ohio's AAA branches for quite some time now. One OFCC supporter provided the following letter, which he received late last year, after canceling his long-time membership due to their anti-gun policy...

Op-Ed: American men: Too many wimps and sissies

March 25, 2005 By Devvy Kidd "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." Thomas Jefferson to Col. Charles Yancey, 1816 My last column on the feminization of American politics generated some complaints from "sensitive" men. One in particular was such a glaring example of how ignorant Americans are on the...

Letters to the Editor: Carry law has big impact

Several more Dayton Daily News readers have responded to a narrow-minded, uninformed rant from DDN columnist Martin Gottlieb, in which he attempted to make the case that because about 1% of eligible Ohioans have obtained licenses in the first nine months, that support for Right to Carry laws are a "narrow interest". As with the last round of letter-writers, DDN readers are proving to have far...

Letter to the Editor: There are 2 sides in public-records debate

It's not just Ohio gun owners who have concerns about the media's rampant abuse of open records, and shameless advocacy via biased reporting. March 25, 2005 Columbus Dispatch I salute The Dispatch for again raising debate on public records by focusing on the issue in the March 13 newspaper. Clearly, the editors support House Bill 9, sponsored by Rep. W. Scott Oelslager, R-Canton. One didn’t have...

Thieves Break Down Wall, Steal 11 Guns From Store

Another example of how background checks fail to keep criminals from obtaining firearms, and of how criminals who want to steal guns will take time to pick a target that ensures they'll find them. March 24, 2005 Officials said 11 guns were stolen during the robbery of a gun store in Colerain Township Thursday. At about 2 a.m., officials received a call to investigate an...

Ross Co. Sheriff's deputies offer gun safety classes to school kids

The Chillicothe Gazette is reporting that Sgt. Dale Gillette and Lt. Don Dettillion of the Ross County Sheriff's Office have enlisted the help of the National Rifle Association's Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program in an effort to educate children on what to do if they find a gun. From the story: Parents who think their children have no idea where their handguns, rifles and ammunition are hidden should...

Self-defense initiatives in schools not enough to keep our kids safe

It appears newspapers are filled these days with stories of new attempts to protect our kids from predators. Certainly it must have come as a shock to many when it was shown at Minnesota's Red Lake High that chain-link fences, metal detectors, video cameras, unarmed security guards, and "no-guns" signs didn't prevent tragedy. Can they honestly believe a bit of martial arts training or "conflict...

Homeowner shoots intruder in bedroom

The Toledo Blade is reporting that a central Toledo man shot an intruder as the suspect walked toward him inside his home with a radiator. From the story: Gary Holston, 42, was in his office on the second floor of his house, 1405 Woodland, about 11 p.m. Tuesday when he heard someone run up the stairs and into his bedroom. Mr. Holston said he grabbed his 12-gauge shotgun, walked into the hallway,...

Utah: Concealed weapons permit class to be held on campus

Keep this story in mind as the trial of Case Western Reserve shooter Biswanath Halder gets under way in Cleveland. Keep this story in mind as you, or your son or daughter enters an Ohio campus victim zone today. The (Webster State University) Signpost is reporting that Students for the Second Amendment is offering a class at WSU for the Utah concealed carry weapon permit. Craig Ball from Impact...

Trooper Suspended After 911 Remark is reporting that a state trooper was suspended for 15 days without pay after he was recorded on a 911 tape saying "too bad" to a caller seeking help after a motorcycle accident involving Justin Sawyer, 21, who died of a severe head injury a week after the crash last August. Russell Shepard, a friend of Sawyer's, called 911, which was routed to the state police barracks in Montville...

Other states working to improve CCW laws

West Virginia: New Legislation Introduced H. B. 3109 (By Delegates Varner, Williams, Mahan, Beach, Craig, Boggs, Proudfoot, Perdue, Barker, Morgan and G. White) [Introduced March 21, 2005; referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.] A BILL to amend and reenact §61-7-6 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, relating to allowing a nonresident, licensed to carry concealed weapons in...

Two OH newsies buck media trend, call for close of Media Access Loophole

Lima News columnist Ronald Lederman Jr. and Cincinnati Enquirer columnist Peter Bronson aren’t likely to be very popular around their offices these days. That’s because both men have written columns condemning abuse of the Media Access Loophole, which allows anti-gun-rights journalists to obtain the name, age, and county of residence of concealed handgun license-holders. Click on the titles to...

Inmate flees ''no-guns'' hospital after ''nearly taking life'' of officer

Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 From: OFCC Supporter Subject: Security... As most know, St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center in Toledo is a "No Guns" hospital. I'm sure you also know that there have been three or four attacks in the parking garage in the recent months. To that effect, they have built more fences and posted more -unarmed- security guards in the parking lots for employee protection. St. V's...

AAA Ohio Motorist Association loses 20-year member

Submitted by: David P. After 20 years of being a member of AAA's Ohio Motorist Association, I will not be renewing my membership. When asked what their policy towards concealed carry was after seeing the “no-guns” sign on their doors, their answer was as follows: "We believe this is the safest policy for members and employees alike. Placing signs on our doors gives a level of comfort to our...


March 22, 2005 Philadelphia Daily News By Stu Bykofsky DEAR Mayor Street: You wondered aloud last week why Philadelphians feel a need to carry guns - legal guns, using a city-issued "carry permit." "For what?" you asked. "Why are they carrying? They're not hunters." No, Mr. Mayor, but some of us feel like the hunted. Following a single weekend that rang up 11 homicides you asked, "For what?" The...

Security in the courthouse? Cincy judges tell COPS to stay out too.

The Cincinnati Post is reporting that, while the rest of the country is examining how to beef up security in courthouses, several judges and the court administrator are reminding police they can't bring personal guns into the building. From the story: "I have concerns that police officers are bringing weapons into court on non-course-of-employment cases," Court Administrator Mike Walton said...

Op-Ed: Road to bad laws paved with good intentions

March 23, 2005 National Review Online By John R. Lott Jr. The last ten days have seen three horrific multiple-victim public shootings: the Atlanta courthouse attack that left four murdered; the Wisconsin church shooting, where seven were murdered, and Monday's high-school shooting in Minnesota, where nine were murdered. What can be learned from these attacks? Some take the attacks as confirmation...

Despite referendum, Shooter's Supply faces yet another hurdle

Despite an overwhelming public vote last month approving plans to open an indoor target range, the Cincinnati Enquirer is reporting that Shooter's Supply's effort to open an indoor target range on Loveland-Madeira Road will land in a Hamilton County courtroom Thursday. This time, the issue is zoning. From the story: Landeira LLC, the developer that wants to turn the former site of Matthew: 25...


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