
Columbus Dispatch article on growing popularity of non-resident concealed carry licenses exposes need for national reciprocity

by Chad D. Baus Early last year Dayton Daily News reporter Laura Bischoff wrote an article about Ohio residents who chose to obtain a non-resident, or out-of-state, concealed carry license from Utah. In the article, Bischoff echoed the assertions of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence's Toby Hoover, who suggested that the reason people obtain these licenses is to avoid Ohio's training...

Gov. Strickland believes he is cutting into the Republican base on the gun issue; Kasich disagrees

by Chad D. Baus The Toledo Blade is reporting that, during a recent interview, Governor Ted Strickland said that he believes he has cut into John Kasich's Republican base due, in part, to the gun issue. From the story : The governor hails from a rural Appalachian Ohio area that repeatedly sent him to Washington. He has twice garnered the endorsements of the National Rifle Association and...

EPA Denies Ammo Ban Petition

Responding to a grassroots outcry from gun owners, the Environmental Protection Agency announced on Friday that it has denied a petition by the Center for Biological Diversity and other radical groups that had sought to ban the use of lead in ammunition. Agreeing with the position of the NRA and the firearms industry, the agency explained in a news release that it "does not have the legal...

Harry Reid loses NRA endorsement over Kagan confirmation vote

Statement From NRA-PVF Chairman Chris W. Cox On The 2010 Nevada U.S. Senate Race In the coming days and weeks, the NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) will be announcing endorsements and candidate ratings in hundreds of federal races, as well as thousands of state legislative races. Unless these announcements are required by the timing of primary or special elections, the NRA-PVF generally does...

President Signs Industry Excise Tax Bill into Law

by Larry Keane The President has signed into law the Firearms Excise Tax Improvement Act of 2010 (H.R. 5552). The bill passed the House of Representatives at the end of June by a vote of 412-6 and on August 5 it cleared the Senate by unanimous consent. This important legislation corrects a longstanding inequity in the Internal Revenue Code by permitting firearm and ammunition manufacturers to pay...

Letter to EPA: Ban on lead ammunition will result in less hunters, less wildlife funding and more wildlife problems

Editor's Note: The following letter was written in regards to an issue has been following very closely. For more information, see EPA Considering Ban on Traditional Ammunition: ACT NOW!! It is my opinion that the movement to ban lead ammunition should be re-considered with careful regard to all the factors that may not be apparent to the supporters of this movement. Not only...

"Sportsmen for Strickland" bus hits the campaign trail

Following the rollout of two pieces of campaign literature aimed at Ohio's pro-gun voters , the "Sportsmen for Strickland" branch of Governor Ted Strickland's re-election campaign continues to roll with its message promoting the pro-gun governor - quite literally. As Ohioans make their ways down the highways and byways of the Buckeye State this fall, they stand a chance of being exposed to the...

EPA Considering Ban on Traditional Ammunition: ACT NOW!!

All Gun Owners, Hunters and Shooters: With the fall hunting season fast approaching, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under Lisa Jackson, who was responsible for banning bear hunting in New Jersey, is now considering a petition by the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) - a leading anti-hunting organization - to ban all traditional ammunition under the Toxic Substance Control Act of...

Representative Uecker introduces HB571: Parking Lot Ban Exemption

Representative Joe Uecker (R-66) has introduced House Bill 571 , which seeks to "permit a concealed carry licensee who is an employee of a private employer to store the employee's handgun in a locked motor vehicle parked on premises owned or leased by the employer." What follows is the pertinent language from the bill, with the proposed language underlined:

Why would someone need a gun in a park? Question asked and answered.

by Larry S. Moore For years, while gun control extremists were busy asking "why would anyone need a gun in a park?," gun rights activists and organizations have urged people to carry while enjoying outdoor recreation. Consider these recent headlines and ask yourself - which side of the argument is standing on solid ground? Campers Robbed At [Ohio's] John Bryan State Park Man shot eight times in...

Think the Ohio gun ban lobby is dead? Think again.

by Chad D. Baus Given their lack of success at lobbying in the Statehouse and at the ballot box, it's easy to get the idea that the Ohio gun ban lobby has folded up shop. But as a behind-the-scenes look at some of their current activities will show, that kind of thinking can lead to a complacency that gun owners in the Buckeye State cannot afford.

Squirrel Season Offers Hunters Preparation For Fall Hunting

Season Begins September 1 and runs through January 31 Ohio's squirrel season will open on September 1, providing hunters with an opportunity to take as many as six squirrels each day, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Wildlife. A long-time tradition for many hunters, Ohio's squirrel season offers ample hunting opportunities for fox and gray squirrels across...

Buckeye Firearms Association's Ken Hanson awarded the 2009 "Jay M. Littlefield NRA-ILA Volunteer of the Year Award"

John Hohenwarter-NRA, Gov. Strickland, Ken Hanson-BFA at the signing of Ohio's Castle Doctrine law The "Jay M. Littlefield NRA-ILA Volunteer of the Year Award," presented annually by the National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA), is an honor that recognizes an NRA member who demonstrates exceptionally meritorious activism in defense of the Second Amendment and serves...

Poachers Pay $7794.00 for Illegally Taking One Deer

Two Seneca County men were sentenced in July for the illegal taking of a deer in the 2009 deer hunting season, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. Restitution of $4625 was ordered paid by Judge Mark Repp of the Tiffin Municipal Court. The revised restitution law went into effect March 2008 and allows the ODNR Division of Wildlife to seek an increased...

Investigative report proves failure of Chicago's gun control policies

By Gerard Valentino The Chicago Sun-Times is running an investigative report on the 59 hours of violence that took place over an unforgettable April weekend in 2008. When the dust settled, 40 Chicagoans were added to the countless victims of the unrelenting violence that has long plagued the city. While Mayor Richard Daley blames guns, and gun dealers, for his inability to stop the carnage, The...

NSSF provides $231,796 in grants to shooting ranges, including one in central Ohio

The National Shooting Sports Foundation has awarded grants totaling $231,796 to nine shooting facilities through its Range Partnership Grant Program. New marketing strategies designed to motivate individuals, particularly youth and inactive shooters, to go target shooting and hunting dominated this year's winning proposals. "With target shooting participation at a record high, this is the perfect...

Crime victim persecuted for being gun owner

by Tim Inwood It used to be in this country that if you were arrested for a crime you were presumed innocent until trial. Now if you are a crime victim you may be perceived as a criminal if you are a gun owner. After reading an article about a burglary in the Land of Lincoln, my blood went to a slow boil. In the wee hours of an August morning, Rockford (IL) police were called by the victim's...

BFA endorsee circulating letter requesting co-sponsors for "Parking Lot Firearm Legislation"

State Representative Joe Uecker (R-66), a multiple-time past and present endorsee of Buckeye Firearms Association, is circulating a letter inviting colleagues to sign on as co-sponsors to a bill that would seek to "permit a concealed carry licensee who is an employee of a private employer to store the employee's handgun in a locked motor vehicle while parked on premises owned or leased by the...

State Supreme Court to hear preemption case October 12

Earlier this month, the Ohio Supreme Court announced that it will hear oral arguments for an important gun rights case, City of Cleveland v. State of Ohio , on October 12, 2010. The case came about after the Ohio General Assembly voted to override Governor Bob Taft's veto of HB347 - Ohio's "preemption" law - which codified R.C. 9.68, ensuring that firearms laws would be uniform throughout the...

Are You a Fair Weather Friend of Second Amendment Groups?

by Dean Rieck Suppose you had a dear friend. Someone you've known for years and who has stood beside you every step of the way. Then one day, you say or do something this friend doesn't agree with. It's not a personal insult. You haven't cheated them or assaulted them. You just have an honest disagreement about something. Suddenly your friend tells you it's all over. They won't be your friend...

Ohio's Chris Cerino Makes it to Final Four on Reality Show

It started with 16 now there are four. After nine episodes of The History Channel's Top Shot series one of Northern Ohio's own law enforcement professionals Chris Cerino is still on target the first America's Top Shot. Join Ohio's only representative in this first of its kind reality TV show and competition. This husband, father of two sons, scoutmaster, hunter education instructor and law...

Evil + Stupid = Bipartisan

by Jeff Knox We are now just a couple of months from the midterm elections and the political gamesmanship has begun to heat up. It was former Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson (a Republican) who declared that in America we have the Evil Party, and the Stupid Party, adding that he belonged to the Stupid Party. For those committed to restoring and protecting the rights of gun owners, the labels are...

Strickland, Kasich agree to two televised debates

The Columbus Dispatch reported recently that the two major-party candidates for governor of Ohio have agreed to two televised debates hosted by the eight largest newspapers in the state. From the article : Democratic Gov. Ted Strickland and Republican challenger John Kasich will debate on Sept. 14 in Columbus and on Oct. 7 in Toledo. The one-hour debates will be televised by the local TV partners...

Bill: Protecting the right to bear arms on Federal lands administered by the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Mgmt.

by Larry S. Moore Recently H. R. 5523 was introduced into the U. S. House of Representatives by Congressman Denny Rehberg (R-MT) along with co-sponsors Rep. Bob Bishop (R-UT) and Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA). The purpose of the bill is "To protect the right of individuals to bear arms on Federal lands administered by the United States Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management.". The bill...

July highest all-time for background checks on firearm sales

Unadjusted data released by the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) reported 1,069,792 checks in July 2010, ranking the month the highest July for most NICS checks. This figure represents an increase of 10.7 percent over checks in July 2009. The total number of background checks reported since the beginning of NICS is 118,006,677. (FBI NICS disclaimer: These figures...

Home invasions in Dayton and Columbus end badly - for the perpetrators

The Hamilton Journal-News is reporting that one suspected home invader is dead and another injured after the two men were shot by a resident who was trying to defend himself in Butler County's Hanover Twp. From the article : The shooting at about 1:45 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 8, left two men with multiple gunshot wounds, identified Monday as Steven Deshaun Davis, 23, of Middletown, and John Eric...

Firearms Industry Applauds Landslide Passage of Excise Tax Improvement Legislation in U.S. Senate

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry, hailed the recent passage of the Firearms Excise Tax Improvement Act of 2010 (H.R. 5552) by unanimous consent in the Senate. The bill passed the House of Representatives at the end of June by a vote of 412-6. The House bill was sponsored by Rep. Ron Kind (D-Wisc.)...

More Lead Ban Efforts Are an Assault on Our Second Amendment Rights and Freedom to Hunt

by Larry S. Moore More efforts are being aimed at eliminating lead - or are they simply aimed at our enjoyment of the shooting sports, fishing and outdoor recreation? Is the motivation behind the latest effort a real safety and environmental concern or is it a back-door attempt to ban firearms from our national parks? We saw efforts to roll back the right to carry in our national parks based on...

NRA Statement on Elena Kagan's Confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court

Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice President, National Rifle Association & Chris W. Cox, Executive Director, National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action On Thursday, August 05, 2010, the U.S. Senate confirmed Elena Kagan to the highest Court in the land. To NRA members and gun owners nationwide, Ms. Kagan presents a clear and present danger to the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Her...


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