
Op-Ed: Federal agencies arming at alarming rate

Editor's Note: The following article was originally published in the Lima News. Republished with permission. There was another mass shooting. This was, predictably, followed by calls from the gun-grabbers to disarm law-abiding citizens and the penning of another ill-informed but sanctimonious column from Leonard Pitts of the Miami Herald who once said, I kid you not, that blacks can’t be racists...

Ask Your U.S. Representative to Cosponsor and Support H.R. 2959 – "The Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2013"

The "Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2013" ( H.R. 2959 )--introduced in the U.S. House by Reps. Richard Nugent (R-Fla.) and Jim Matheson (D-Utah)--would allow any person who is not prohibited from possessing or receiving a firearm under federal law and who has a valid concealed firearm permit, to carry a concealed handgun in any state that issues its own residents permits to carry concealed...

Toledo ABC report proves need for HB 454 (Rule Modification for Concealed Carry in School Zones)

A recent report filed by WTVG (ABC Toledo) on committee passage of HB 454 (Rule Modification for Concealed Carry in School Zones) inadvertently made a perfect case for why this legislation needs to be passed quickly. From the report : If you legally carry a gun, it still has to be locked in the car if you're on school grounds! There's been some confusion about the law, so an Ohio House committee...

Warren homeowner defends self when robbers attack in broad daylight

The Youngstown Vindicator reported last month on a case in which a Warren homeowner was forced to protect himself when faced with a threat. From the article : A Warren police report regarding the noontime Wednesday shooting death of Kyran Adkins, 17, of Milton Street Southeast, reveals that the homeowner who shot him said he fired at Adkins after a confrontation outside the house. Dr. Humphrey...

Youngstown-area store clerk with CHL stops threat [UPDATE: Robbery video]

WKBN (CBS Youngstown) reported recently that a Struthers store clerk with a concealed handgun license (CHL) was able to defend himself when attacked by two armed robbers. From the article : Struthers police said a pair of teenage robbery suspects got more than they bargained for during a robbery attempt early Wednesday morning. Video Struthers police obtained from Sami Quick Stop appears to show...

Good Writing, Bad News - Reality Versus News Coverage at the 2014 NRA Annual Meeting

I came. I saw. I listened. So did about 75,000 other persons from just about everywhere in America: Ohio, Texas and even the wild reaches of the Bronx. Some attendees even reported on the event. Quirkily. The Guardian’s Ana Marie Cox in her column of April 28 summed up NRA’s Annual Meeting: “NRA is at war with America.” Her April 25th four gun-related deaths in the Indianapolis area around the...

Headline: Gun suppressors gaining popularity in Ohio

WKRC (CBS Cincinnati) reported recently that noise suppressors are becoming more and more mainstream in the world of shooting, and that they've become a hot-ticket item at Ohio gun shops and shooting ranges. Ohio has become the No. 4 state in the nation for the sale of suppressors, and they're expected to become even more popular if a bill to legalize them for hunting passes in the Ohio senate...

Good Citizens and Good Neighbors: The Gun Owners' Role [UPDATE with video]

Here at NRA, we are big fans of responsible behavior … legal mandates, not so much. We think the Founders of this country were right to trust its people with the freedom to make their own choices. We also think they were wise to build checks into our constitutional system so that one view could not easily dominate the others and so that officials could be held accountable for their decisions. As...

Two BFA-supported bills to receive hearings in Senate committee; SB 338 (Concealed Carry Law Reform) scheduled for possible vote

Chairman Bill Coley (R-Liberty Twp.) has announced that the Senate Civil Justice Committee will be hearing testimony on Senate Bill 338 (Concealed Carry Law Reform) and HB 234 (Allow Noise Suppressors While Hunting), also on June 4, 2014 at 9:45 a.m. in the North Hearing Room. This will be the third hearing for HB 234, and the committee will be hearing testimony from proponents, opponents and...

March 2014 firearms sales checks second highest March on record

The March 2014 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figure of 1,224,705 is the second highest March on record for the system, even with a decrease of 18.4 percent compared to the March 2013 NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 1,501,730. For comparison, the unadjusted March 2014 NICS figure of 2,476,610 reflects a 12.7 percent increase from the unadjusted NICS figure of...

Op-Ed: Smart Guns are Dumb

Editor's Note: The following op-ed is quite timely, given a Cleveland "interfaith" group's recently-announced effort to convince government agencies to become consumers of the flawed, unproven technology. American media has discovered the staggeringly odd notion of “Smart Guns.” Should we praise the Lord that we are finally safe, and thank MSNBC for our deliverance? Not so fast. The problem with...

Buckeye Firearms Assoc. President Jim Irvine appears on Sound of Ideas

On Thursday, May 29, Buckeye Firearms Association President Jim Irvine appeared as an in-studio a guest on WCPN's The Sound of Ideas . Jim discussed a proposal by Greater Cleveland Congregations to reduce gun violence by reducing the number of illegal guns on the streets and increasing the sale of "smart guns.". Click here to watch the video. Chad D. Baus is the Buckeye Firearms Association...


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