
IMPORTANT Seminar Oct. 24: "Preparing for Terror - The Massacre Coming to Your School"

You saw the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001 when 4 airplanes were hijacked and flown into the World Trade Towers, Pentagon, and a Pennsylvania field. And there have been more attacks in the years since ... Trolley Square Mall, Ft. Hood, Navy Yard, Boston Bombing and more. Home-grown terrorists are among us and can cause severe trauma and death to those they target, but a far larger threat many be...

How to Help a Cop During a Life-Threatening Struggle - Part I

I recently received a very interesting question from a friend and fellow blogger. He asked the following: “How should an armed citizen best help a police officer if that officer is under violent attack from another individual or group of individuals?” It’s a great question. I think many folks with CCW licenses would be willing to help a cop in trouble. As a cop, I welcome all the help I can get...

Gallup: More Americans Say Federal Government a Threat

The Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution is there for a simple reason: Our Founding Fathers wisely understood that even a national government of supposedly limited powers could overstep its bounds and infringe upon the rights of the people. In the landmark Heller decision, the U.S. Supreme Court recognized that the Founders considered the Second Amendment a failsafe that would provide the...

How having a threshold question for candidates can help you influence those around you

As the 2016 elections approach it is time for each of us as gun owners, Second Amendment advocates, freedom lovers, and patriots to prepare the single most effective form of advertising media there is. The best part is that for all the multimillion dollar media buys the candidates pay for, all the mass emails and websites created, this form of advertising has something the candidates can’t buy at...

Your Tactical Training Scenario - Where do you Draw the Line?

You are walking down the street on a Saturday morning when a car pulls up to the curb. The driver jumps out, pointing a gun at you. He demands your wallet. You comply and give it to him. After taking your money, he demands your pants as well. What do you do? The scenario may sound far-fetched, but that’s exactly what happened in Chicago…twice. In one of the cases, the robber even fired a shot at...

Headline: Cleveland man shot dead after breaking into ex-girlfriend's home is reporting that police say Cleveland man was shot dead after he kicked in the door to his ex-girlfriend's apartment and choked her. From the article : The attack happened about 10:15 p.m. Wednesday night on Elk Avenue near East 105thStreet. The medical examiner identified the man as 28-year-old Cedric Grier. Police said Grier broke into the home and confronted his ex-girlfriend...

Pocket Pistols: Lessons in Compromise

Establishing a bond with a pocket pistol is similar to marriage—in one way: You have to be willing to accept compromise. To make any compromise worth the effort, there must be a clear objective. In this case preserving your life is the goal, and pocket pistols, whether diminutive semi-automatics or small-frame revolvers, do their part and offer a solution that is easy to carry concealed. Merely...

Report: Cleveland gun arrest doesn’t always mean jail time

WJW (Fox Cleveland) is reporting on an investigation which has found that "getting busted with a gun often does not mean you will get locked up for punishment," but instead that "many convicts facing gun charges get probation." From the article: The I-TEAM reviewed 90 cases in Cuyahoga County from 2014. We specifically looked at cases with the most serious charge being for a concealed weapon or...

Saturday is National Hunting and Fishing Day

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) is once again sponsoring National Hunting and Fishing Day (NHF Day). NSSF has been a major sponsor of NHF Day and recognizes the importance to acknowledge the conservation efforts of sportsmen and women across the country. NHF Day is set to take place on the fourth Saturday in September. This year NHF Day falls on September 26. “NSSF...

Women Too Weak to Defend Themselves With Guns?

Anti-gun activist Leah Gunn Barrett, the executive director of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, must have never read Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People. Breitbart reports that on Al Jazeera TV, Barrett said that women shouldn’t be allowed to carry firearms for protection on college campuses, on the grounds that “Women are not physically powerful like men are. A gun could...

Study: Criminals Don’t Get Guns From Legal Sources

Numerous studies conducted by academic researchers and by the federal government have shown that criminals do not use legal markets to obtain guns. And now we have more evidence of this reality, this time looking at criminals in Chicago. Philip J. Cook, Susan T. Parker, and Harold A. Pollack conducted interviews with criminals being held in the Cook County Jail. Their primary findings were that...

SB 199 (Active Duty Armed Forces Concealed Carry/ Handgun Transfer) scheduled for sponsor testimony in Senate committee

Chairman Kevin Bacon has announced that the Senate Civil Justice Committee will be hearing sponsor testimony on Senate Bill 199 (Active Duty Armed Forces Concealed Carry) today, Wednesday, September 23 at 2:30 the Senate Finance Hearing Room. SB 199, sponsored by Senators Joe Uecker (R-Miami Township) and Randy Gardner (R-Bowling Green), seeks to specify that an active duty member of the U...

Summer 2015: New Record for Gun Sales?

Data from the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) indicate that firearm acquisitions set a new record during June, July and August, and are on track to finish the year higher than any year except 2013, when firearm acquisitions soared in reaction to President Obama’s push for gun control. There were more than 2.6 million firearm acquisition-related checks during June...

Report: With less training required, more central Ohioans file to carry concealed guns

The Columbus Dispatch reported recently that more central Ohioans are filing for licenses to carry concealed guns in Franklin County after the state legislature relaxed training requirements earlier this year. In fact, the article notes the the sheriff has asked the county commissioners to approve hiring additional staff members to keep up with the increased demand. From the article : “...

Virginia Senator Kaine Introduces Bill to Turn Innocent Mistakes into Felonies

On Tuesday, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) introduced what he is calling the “Responsible Transfer of Firearms Act.” As The Hill amusingly noted, “It is the latest gun bill introduced by Democrats that is unlikely to pass through a Republican-controlled Congress.” And with good reason. Sen. Kaine’s current anti-gun effort is incomprehensible and unconstitutional. And that, unfortunately, is not a...

Survey: Which Republican presidential candidates own guns?

The London Daily Telegraph recently asked the Republican presidential candidates if they owned a gun, and reported the responses . The candidates, including one who has since dropped from the race, are listed below in alphabetical order. Jeb Bush: Former governor Bush is one of three candidates who does not own a gun. However, the report notes that he was avowedly pro-gun during his eight years...

NRA Ad Targets “Candidate” Bloomberg

Michael Bloomberg hasn’t said that he’s running for president, but an NRA TV ad campaign launched recently contends that the most aggressive gun control advocate in the country will, at the very least, attempt to use his vast wealth to influence the 2016 presidential election. The gist of the ad is that Bloomberg is a meddlesome multi-billionaire who thinks that people’s rights should be limited...

Guns & Ammo "Best States for Gun Owners" shows progress, but Ohio legislators STILL have a lot of work to do

One year ago, and despite the fact that Republicans had been in control of the General Assembly and governor's mansion for 4 years, a lack of progress in improving the state's gun rights law was reflected in the state's fall in Guns & Ammo's 2014 ranking of the Best Concealed Carry States from 39th in 2013 to 41st. Just a few months after that ranking was published, the General Assembly...

Mass Shootings Rare, Government Study Says

A new study by the Congressional Research Service, by far the most thorough and comprehensive of its type to date, confirms that mass shootings continue to be rare in the United States. While Michael Bloomberg’s website says that mass shootings happen “more often than they used to,” renown criminologist James Alan Fox, of Northeastern University, whose extensive analysis of mass...

Buckeye Firearms Foundation Youth Shoot brings out nearly 100 participants

WHIZ (NBC Zanesville) is reporting that the annual Buckeye Firearms Foundation Youth Shoot was a rousing success, despite a bit of "liquid sunshine." From the article : Youth from all over Ohio battle the drizzle to participate in the 5th annual Youth Shoot. Kids ages 10 through 18 were invited to learn about firearms, and take some shots of their own after training sessions on firearm safety...

NRA Supports Senator Cornyn’s Bill to Halt Obama NICS Abuses

On August 5th, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) introduced S. 2002, a bill to protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens from continued bureaucratic abuse by the Obama Administration. As we reported on July 18th, Obama’s latest gun grabbing ploy was to forward all individuals receiving Social Security Administration (SSA) benefits through a representative payee to the National...

Larry Householder's possible second act brings memories of the fight for Ohio concealed carry

The Cleveland Plain Dealer is reporting that Larry Householder, who served as Speaker of the House during the fight to pass Ohio's original concealed carry law, is contemplating a return to the legislature. From the article : ...[F]ormer Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder, a Perry County Republican, is considering whether to seek a return to the House. Term limits sent Householder home in...

Research Findings a Blow to Anti-gun Academics

For decades, anti-gun academics have attacked firearms and firearm owners by conducting “research” that purportedly offers insight into the psyche of gun owners. The dubious findings of these psychology studies typically portray gun owners in a negative light, and are frequently published in uncritical academic journals, and then touted by gun control activists and the mainstream media as...

State supreme court rules broken gun not a deadly weapon

The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that the Ohio Supreme Court has ruled that an inoperable gun that cannot fire bullets is not a deadly weapon under the state law that prohibits carrying a concealed handgun without a license. From the article : The justices reversed the findings of a juvenile court and the Cincinnati-area appeals court that the teenager was guilty of a delinquency count of...

You are cordially invited to the Sportsmen's Alliance 19th annual "Save Our Heritage Rally"

You are cordially invited to the Sportsmen's Alliance 19th annual "Save Our Heritage Rally" The Rally will be held on Saturday, September 19 at the Aladdin Shrine Center, 3850 Stelzer Road in Columbus, Ohio. Sportsmen's Alliance is the only organization in the country with the sole mission of protecting hunting, fishing and trapping rights in all 50 states. This event is the largest fundraiser of...

Hillary Clinton on 25% National Gun Tax: "I am all for that."

We're always warning people that elections matter. And the quickly approaching presidential election could matter a LOT to gun owners. Why? Because there is a very real - and very frightening - possibility that Hillary Clinton could be our next Commander in Chief. Like most liberals, she supports a host of anti-gun laws. She has pushed for these laws for a very long time. And she has undoubtedly...

August 2015 Firearms Sales Checks Second-Highest August on Record

The August 2015 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figure of 1,031,959 is the second-highest August on record for the 17-year-old system, with an increase of 4.3 percent compared to the August 2014 NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 989,337. For comparison, the unadjusted August 2015 NICS figure of 1,735,911 reflects a 12.8 percent increase from the unadjusted NICS...

Dayton CHL-holder defends herself with gun during early morning home invasion

The Dayton Daily News is reporting that a woman who has been targeted by criminals at least five times in 11 years fatally shot a man she said broke into her home Wednesday morning, the second intruder she has hit with gunfire in about two years. From the article : The 46-year-old woman, who lives in the 200 block of Richmond Avenue, told officers the man smashed a window and entered the second...

White House, Media Mislead on Crime Trends, Ignore Evidence that Could Save More Lives

Tragedy strikes – and the White House immediately shifts into exploitation mode, trying to use raw emotion to push “solutions” that don’t fit the facts. From Charles C. W. Cooke at National Review comes a timely reminder , however, that despite well-publicized crimes, the nation as a whole is getting safer and less violent. As Mr. Cooke notes, the U.S. firearm homicide rate peaked in 1993 and has...

Three Quick Tips for Pocket Pistols

They're the easiest to conceal, but the hardest to manage. Those diminutive pocket pistols that are popular for concealed carry in a variety of situations may be comfortable to carry and comforting in their protective capabilities, but they're the hardest of the already difficult guns to shoot: handguns. "Pocket pistols are always a handful," says multi-time world shooting champion, instructor...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.