
House Judiciary Committee Green Lights Reciprocity Bill

Fairfax, Va., November 29, 2017 —The House Judiciary Committee today approved H.R. 38, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, by a vote of 19-11. H.R. 38 would eliminate the confusing patchwork of state laws that makes it difficult for law-abiding permit holders to travel across the country with their firearms for personal protection. Under the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, states would be...

SHOCK: Persons obtain 20+ firearms without background check

According to so-called "common-sense" gun control extremists like Mark Kelley's "Americans for Responsible Solutions," all we have to do to keep criminals from gaining access to firearms is to mandate that a background check be done before all transfers of firearms. Pass "universal" background checks, we're told, close the "gun show loophole," we're told, and we can stop mass shootings! Indeed,...

Black Friday firearms sales set new record high

The FBI has reported that it fielded 203,086 background check requests for gun purchases on the day after Thanksgiving — the highest daily total ever. The number of guns sold on Black Friday is not an exact correlation to background checks, because some states, including Ohio, conduct NICS checks when issuing concealed handgun licenses. In addition, a person would only have one background check...

No Sale: Marketing Tricks in Gun Control

Marketing analysts refer to “churn” in an industry – the turnover or attrition rate of customers or employees or some other category – as an important metric of business growth and success: keeping track of churn rates offers insight into how well a business is doing. Applying this concept in the context of the gun control movement, the high prevalence of change in the anti-gun community points...

Muzzleloaders Now Targeted by “Giffords” Gun Prohibition Lobby

It didn’t take long after the events in Las Vegas, Nevada for gun control advocates to resort to their usual tactic of blaming hardware for the acts of an evil man. Numerous anti-gun bills were introduced almost immediately, with arch anti-gun Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) leading the charge. “This is written in clean English,” Feinstein insisted of her bill. “It does not take anyone’s gun.” Less...

Gun Controllers Choose to Ignore Cases of Good Guys with Guns

Less than three hours after the tragedy at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) was looking to score political points. As is his custom, Murphy fired off a tweet admonishing his colleagues for their refusal to submit to the gun control lobby’s agenda. However, in the following hours, as more information about the shooting became available, it became...

Thanksgiving: George Washington's 1789 Proclamation

Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor -- and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me "to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful...

Joe Biden: Hero Who Ended Texas Rampage Shouldn’t Have Had His Gun

Most Americans consider Stephen Willeford a hero for bravely ending the rampage of a crazed murderer at a Texas church … but not former Vice President Joe Biden. During a national television appearance on Monday, Biden dismissed the Texan’s valorous actions, going so far as to say he shouldn’t have been carrying the AR-15 he used to stop the killer. Biden, who is eyeing a presidential run in 2020...

From CO Walmart To TX Church: Credit Brave Armed Citizens

This article originally published at . Republished with permission. The two recent incidents I will discuss highlight the utility of the armed citizen in the context of an active killer scenario. The typical active killer prefers to target locations that prohibit people from legally carrying concealed weapons. That is why we rarely hear about armed citizens stopping...

Renovations complete at Harrison State Forest Shooting Range

As part of an ongoing effort to upgrade and expand public shooting ranges, the Ohio Division of Wildlife and Division of Forestry have completed a $381,000 overhaul to Harrison State Forest Shooting Range. This included a $25,000 NRA Public Range Grant. Upgrades include ... Expanding the shooting line from 7 benches to 12 Raising the side berm and backstop height for safety Installing a new...

City of Chicago Uses Trace Report to Deflect From Its Own Failed Governance

[Last month] brought more proof that Chicago’s feckless public officials have perfected the art of scapegoating. On Sunday [October 29] the city released the second edition of its Gun Trace Report. The document presents a host of ATF trace data on firearms recovered in the crime-plagued metropolis and attempts to shift blame for the city’s violence to the Illinois General Assembly, the state...

Ohio's Traditional Deer-Gun Hunting Season Begins Nov. 27

Youth-only weekend to be held Nov. 18-19 COLUMBUS, OH - Deer hunting is an extremely popular activity for sportsmen and women statewide, and Ohio’s white-tailed deer continue to provide hunters across the state with excellent opportunities for success as they head out into the field. Ohio’s deer-gun season opens on Monday, Nov. 27. Hunting remains the most effective management tool for...

Should US study gun violence as a public health hazard? No

The following op-ed originally appeared in the Columbus Dispatch . Republished with permission of author. Focus on enforcing laws, not agenda-driven research Decades ago, gun-control advocates spoke honestly about their motives. They openly disputed that the Second Amendment affirmed the right to own a gun, and said their goal was to make guns illegal, create a federal database of guns and gun...

Congress Needs to Hear from YOU on National Right to Carry!

As the first session of this Congress comes to a close, the media is focusing on the administration’s plan for tax cuts. And while it’s certainly true federal officials have their hands full reigning in the excesses of the last administration, our elected officials need to hear from law-abiding gun owners to ensure that they protect and expand the right to keep and bear arms. With the clock...

Senate Bill 180 (Fix Burden of Proof/ Concealed Carry Modernization) scheduled for second hearing

Senator Kevin Bacon (R-Minerva Park), who chairs the Judiciary Committee, has announced a second hearing for Senate Bill 180 (Concealed Carry Modernization) on Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at 10:15 a.m. in the North Hearing Room. The committee will consider proponent testimony. Buckeye Firearms Association President Jim Irvine will testify in support of the bill. SB 180, introduced last month by...

It's "the nut behind the bolt" that make guns dangerous

Despite attempts to link Sunday's mass shooting [in Texas] and the carnage in Las Vegas to a "gun problem" in the United States, I'm not buying. And not just because I happen to believe in two things that aren't particularly smiled on in today's "post-Christian" society: the Second Amendment and God. Guns, like rental trucks, are inanimate objects. As I was taught as a youth, "it's the nut behind...

Attack on Texas church draws attention to Ohio ban on concealed carry in places of worship

Once again, a mass murder has occurred in a public place - the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. One again, a mentally-deranged individual obtained his firearms after passing background checks gun control extremists continue to claim will put an end to such attacks. Once again, political opportunists are following the gun ban extremists' secret playbook , using "pain and anguish...

REMINDER: Vote TODAY in the Buckeye State!

Tuesday November 7 is Election Day in Ohio. Primary and general election days are the only two days each year where we have the ability to vote on our future. We will vote on statewide issues and local candidates. Some have asked why these local races are important, when none of the winners will hold an office where they will vote statewide gun issues. A large number of our current House of...

#Don'tDigTheRig (Of XDs and Sticky Holsters)

Concealed Nation has a regular feature on its website called #DIGTHERIG. It consists of reader submitted photos about their individual chosen concealed carry weapon and holster choices. A huge variety of guns and holsters are featured. All are carried by someone. Unfortunately, some of the choices are less than optimal. Concealed Nation doesn’t provide any commentary about whether the CCW choices...

Learn More about Police Through Your Local “Citizen Academy”

Like many Americans, I've been following the national discussion about policing for many years. But I question whether this "discussion" benefits anyone. As with so many public issues, this one has become starkly political and binary. Either you think police are insensitive brutes violating rights at every opportunity or you think police are being unfairly blamed for the actions of a few bad...

Your Tactical Training Scenario- Pistol as Impact Weapon

Have you ever considered using your handgun as an impact weapon? Before you do, you may want to think about a few things. Take a look at this article . A cop used his pistol to break a car window and accidentally cranked off a round. Don’t think that trying to break a window with the butt of a pistol is an isolated incident. I’m aware of an officer from a police department near me doing the same...

See With A Hunter's Heart

I can see the old Ohio farm with the eyes of my heart, anytime that I like. I intersected with its fallow fields and fence lines for what was really only a brief period of my youth before moving back out West. And every time that I look, the mental image is always the same: It's November. Fat raindrops patter stalks of grasses that lie flat to the ground. Sodden soil curls like dough around my...

Anti-Gun Billionaire George Soros Pumps $18 Billion into His Political Apparatus

[Recently] it was announced that hedge fund billionaire and radical left-wing activist George Soros has infused his Open Society Foundations with a gift of $18 billion. According a New York Times report, Soros funneled the money to the organization over the course of several years. The paper also called the Hungarian immigrant’s gift, “one of the largest transfers of wealth ever made by a private...

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.