
U.S. Senators Use COVID-19 to Push Longtime Gun Control Agenda

The COVID-19 panic has been used by would-be state and local authoritarians as an excuse to keep Americans from exercising their right to keep and bear arms. Thankfully, American gun owners have a friend in the White House that has worked to protect their rights on the federal level by declaring the firearms industry to be critical infrastructure. However, this respect for the Second Amendment...

BFA-PAC Endorsed Candidates Win 2020 Primary Elections

The 2020 Primary Election is (finally) over, and we're happy to report that the vast majority of Buckeye Firearms Association PAC endorsed candidates won their races. With a few exceptions, the endorsement committee focused on contested primary races in the Ohio House and Senate. While the committee issued grades wherever possible, 26 total candidates received official endorsements. Out of these...

2020 CMP National Rifle and Pistol Matches Cancelled

After thoughtful consideration and reflection, the Board of Directors of the Civilian Marksmanship Program announces the cancellation of the 2020 National Matches at Camp Perry. “This decision was not arrived at lightly, but was prompted by restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. These matches date back to 1903 and have been held at Camp Perry since 1906,” said Judith Legerski, CMP...

Skill Set: Virus Tactics

Gretchen and I live in rural, northern Alabama. Not a lot of neighbors, and the closest town is several miles away with a population of about 200. When I want McDonalds it’s an hour round trip. “Social distancing” has not been a problem. We’re used to working at home, and don’t need much from town. But, these times are troubling. Our best tactic for dealing with current condition has been to stop...

Gun Control Advocate Assures Americans: There’s No Need to Buy Guns ‘Cause “the Zombies” Aren’t Coming

The FBI performed a record-breaking 3.7 million firearm-related background checks last month. According to an April news release from Small Arms Analytics & Forecasting (SAAF), March 2020 estimates of firearm sales show an increase of over 85% from March 2019 – single handgun sales jumped by 91%, and single long-gun sales increased by over 73%. In an interview with Cheddar news earlier this...

HR 5717 - The End of the Second Amendment or Sick Political Theater?

You and I have something in common: We take gun rights seriously. If we were U.S. Senators or Congressional Representatives, we would never spend time or effort to introduce legislation unless we honestly intended to make a real-world difference. Unfortunately, that's not always how anti-gun politicians think. Sometimes they introduce bills they intend to pass. But all too often, they introduce...

Gun controllers madder than defanged snakes over new owners

When kicking a nest of vipers, there’s bound to be some hissing. That’s what happens when the light of truth shines into the darkest corners. That’s what’s happening right now with gun control groups. They’re clamoring about, raising all sorts of noise about how it’s unfair, not right, plain dangerous and irresponsible that government would dare allow for commerce in firearms to be considered...

Ohio's 2019 new and renewal concealed carry issuance numbers drop

Though the associated societal threat from the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis has seen record setting sales of firearms, what happened during 2019 with Ohio’s concealed carry permit system might portend whether these gun owners will keep their weapons on them. And based on 2019 statistics compiled by the Ohio Attorney, fewer Ohioans in several years are seeking the legal right to carry their...

Online Gun Control Debate hosted by Braver Angels

This coming Thursday, the Braver Angels organization will be hosting a debate online. Debate Resolution "Resolved: Any restriction on the law-abiding citizen’s right to own any type of firearm is a violation of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution." When: Thursday, April 23, 8:00 pm ET Register: CLICK HERE This Braver Angels Debate will be held as a ZOOM video call. Anyone can join from home,...

Report: Virus-Panicked Liberal Gun Buyers Are Getting Angry When They Discover Their Own Gun Control Laws

I was chatting with a friend of mine recently and the topic of gun sales came up. My friend’s father owns a gun range near me and she said he’s seen a huge amount of liberals coming in to purchase weapons in recent weeks. How does he know they’re liberals? “They’re shocked to discover they can’t just walk out of the store with a gun.” We’ve all heard about gun sales skyrocketing recently, but I...

Pandemic Exposes Dangers of So-Called "Universal" Background Checks

As the COVID-19 pandemic makes its way across the country, Americans are getting an important lesson in the dangers of a placing a prior restraint on the exercise of a constitutional right. The vast increase in those seeking protection in the Second Amendment during this period of uncertainty has caused the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) and Point of Contact State...

Gun Control End Game Revealed as Bloomberg Groups Launch Campaign to Close Gun Stores

The mask is off (so to speak), and it is now clear beyond any reasonable dispute: America’s largest and most well-funded gun control advocacy group is systematically trying to ban law-abiding Americans, en masse, from acquiring firearms. And this at a time when Americans in record numbers have decided for themselves they need guns more than ever. Events have been unfolding so quickly with respect...

NICS Record: Outbreak Shows the Importance of the 2nd Amendment

Don’t think that gun shops are essential? There are as many as 3,740,688 Americans who would disagree with you. That’s how many background checks the FBI NICS Office ran last month. That’s the most ever, surpassing the previous record by 426,094, and is a million more checks than the previous record for the month of March. Tellingly, it is the third consecutive record-setting month and the third...

COVID-19 Threatens Health…of Second Amendment

Our nation continues to struggle with the widespread impact of the COVID-19 virus. By now, everyone should be aware of the new “social distancing” paradigm, where we are all encouraged to avoid large groups of people, and maintain at least six feet of distance between each other when we do interact. Regular washing of our hands—which we should have been doing already—is now the norm, and anyone...

BFA Encourages Ohio Sheriffs to Restart Concealed Handgun License Processing

On March 19, 2020, Buckeye Firearms Association (BFA) issued an alert to members and supporters saying that due to health concerns about coronavirus, some Ohio Sheriff offices were canceling appointments for Concealed Handgun Licenses (CHLs), temporarily suspending applications and renewals, or limiting hours for license processing. This set off a chain of events (outlined below) that included a...

NSSF Gratified to See Firearm Accidents Reaching Record Low Level

NEWTOWN, Conn. — The National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®) is pleased to report that unintentional firearm fatalities reached their lowest level ever, according to the latest data from the National Safety Council’s just-released Injury Facts Report 2018. NSSF, as the trade association for the firearm industry and leading proponent of safe gun handling and storage, applauded the report,...

Firearms Industry Aids in Response to COVID-19

While the nation continues to struggle with the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak, we have seen countless reports of various sectors of industry making sacrifices to help with trying to contain and control the pandemic. This speaks volumes to the nature of what it means to be an American. In times of crisis, we band together. The firearms industry is no different. Remington Arms, the nation’s...

COVID-19 and Prisons A Complicated Issue That Does Not Need Simplistic “Solutions”

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to dominate our nation’s headlines and the concerns of most Americans. In the pro-Second Amendment community, we’ve watched a seemingly never-ending deluge of developments that could, or would, have an impact on our right to keep and bear arms. And, of course, that means a potential impact on our right to self-defense. Government resources in many areas are...

Madison Local School District May Appeal Armed Teacher Ruling to Ohio Supreme Court

A recent appeals court decision would force Madison Local School District to require more than 700 hours of training before teachers and other employees could carry firearms in school. According to Journal-News , Madison officials are considering appealing the decision to the Ohio Supreme Court . In 2018, Madison Local School District in Middletown, Ohio, joined school districts across the state...

Spring Valley Range - modernization and opening stalled indefinitely

NOTE: Buckeye Firearms Association leaders serve on the Division of Wildlife Range Committee and have played a key role in the Sportsmen's Alliance "Protect What's Right" campaign to get dollars into the Ohio budget for range upgrades around Ohio. There is still much work to do, but we are pleased to be part of this vital work for Ohio's millions of gun owners. Perhaps the two most asked (non-...

ODNR to Temporarily Suspend Sale of Non-Resident Hunting and Fishing Licenses

COLUMBUS, Ohio – In response to the public health situation with COVID-19 and the Ohio Department of Health’s (ODH) Stay at Home Order, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife is temporarily suspending the sale of non-resident hunting and fishing licenses until further notice. “People entering the state are being asked to self-quarantine for a period of 14 days,...

How COVID-19 is Affecting the Firearms Industry

As anyone who hasn’t been living in a cave for the past couple of months knows, the COVID-19 virus has dramatically changed everyone’s lives for the foreseeable future. For some industries, like tourism and air travel, it’s been devastating, while others like the food, paper products, medical supplies, and firearms industries have seen unprecedented increases in product demand. The firearms...

March 2020 firearms sales were through the roof

The March 2020 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figure of 2,375,525 is an increase of 80.4 percent compared to the March 2019 NSSF-adjusted figure. This is by far the highest March recorded. The adjusted NICS data were derived by subtracting out NICS purpose code permit checks used by several states for CCW permit application checks as well as checks on...

Attend the Trump 2A Election Workshop

If left-leaning Presidential candidates have made one thing crystal clear, it's that they intend to seek revenge on gun owners if they win the White House in November of 2020. Multiple candidates have revealed their intention to dramatically curtail Second Amendment rights with draconian gun bans, gun confiscation, and other infringements. It's not about safety. It's now about striking back after...

Hi-Point Firearms Voluntarily Closes its Doors for COVID-19

The following has been posted on the website of Ohio-based Hi-Point Firearms: As you may have heard, the state of Ohio has joined many others in shutting down all non-essential business to help fight the spread of the Corona Virus. Although the firearm industry has been listed as exempt in this order, our number one priority has to be the safety, health, and well-being of our employees. As such,...

NSSF Thanks Trump Administration for Industry's Critical Infrastructure Designation

Department of Homeland Security includes firearm manufacturing, distribution, retail and ranges as essential critical services. NEWTOWN, Conn. — The National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®), the trade association for the firearm and ammunition industry, is grateful for the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) inclusion of the firearm industry’s manufacturing, distribution, retail and range...

Compliance Doesn’t Always Ensure Your Safety

Many of my students tell me that, should they ever be robbed, they plan on complying with the robbers’ demands. While I can’t presume to tell anyone the individual best course of action during a dangerous situation, I can provide some general statistics about past events. Statistically, complying with armed robbers’ demands generally results in fewer injuries to the victim than resisting (except...

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.