
PODCAST: After Two Crazy Years for Firearms and Ammo, Where are We Now?

The Keep and Bear Radio podcast is hosted on Podbean and is also available on Apple , Google , Spotify , iHeartRadio and many other platforms. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast to hear every episode. How to Listen to Podcasts on Your Mobile Phone *** Episode 50: The last two years have been crazy times for the firearms industry. Record sales and millions of new gun owners, but also ammo...

Precious Foreknowledge to Recognize Threats

PENALTY FOR IGNORING CLUES The tragic failure of both school staff and parents ignoring numerous clues by an evil rogue-killer-to-be teen , 15, who demonstrated evidence of Numerous Unstable or Troubling Symptoms, (NUTS©) and claimed the lives of four students. An alert, concerned teacher initially and correctly reported his/her apprehension to superiors. However, it all went downhill from there...

Ohio’s Proposed Fall 2022 Wild Turkey Hunting Season Reduced by Three Weeks

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Biologists with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife recommended a major reduction to the 2022 fall wild turkey hunting season during the Ohio Wildlife Council’s regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 12. Under the proposal received Wednesday, Ohio’s fall wild turkey season would begin on Saturday, Oct. 15 and conclude on Sunday, Nov. 13, a...

Australia’s “Common Sense” Gun Control Snares Nerf Blasters?

We all know that among modern firearm prohibitionists, the term “gun control” is out. As a writer for the New York Times recently explained, the word “control” has a “ring of repression” to it. True, he admitted, “It’s accurate: The legislation in question entails more government control over who can purchase guns and when and how.” But for those actively seeking to impose such “control” over...

NRA-ILA Grassroots Webinar on Monday, Jan. 31

The first NRA-ILA Grassroots webinar of 2022 is next Monday, January 31st, at 7:30 p.m. EST. Join your NRA-ILA staff to learn more about the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action—the political, legislative, and lobbying arm of NRA. The webinar will include introductions by various NRA-ILA Directors covering legislative affairs, legal updates, and research as well as important content from NRA-...

18.5 Million Guns Sold in 2021

2021 was the second-best year on record for gun sales. Americans bought more than 18.5 million guns, according to an industry analysis of FBI background check data. That puts the 2021 numbers about 12 percent off the all-time record set in 2020. But it also puts 2021 40 percent ahead of 2019’s total. “The fact that over 18.5 million Americans chose lawfully purchase a firearm in 2021 is...

Handgun Hunting Basics

"I plan on taking the biggest buckshot on the hunt with this six-shooter," I replied, smiling. I was the last of eight hunters to shoot, and I planned it that way. I made a big deal of loading six Hornady 240-grain XTP rounds into the revolver's cylinder. Then resting the handgun on a sandbag for a rest, I cocked the hammer, got solid, and fired at the 100-yard target. My first shot hit a half-...

PODCAST: What the 2022 Elections Mean for Gun Rights and How You Can Get Involved

The Keep and Bear Radio podcast is hosted on Podbean and is also available on Apple , Google , Spotify , iHeartRadio and many other platforms. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast to hear every episode. How to Listen to Podcasts on Your Mobile Phone *** Episode 49: We're in an election year and the pundits are saying there could be a massive red wave taking back the U.S. House and Senate...

Experts in Firearm Safety, Teen Suicide Prevention Launch Webinar: 'Understanding Youth Mental Health and Preventing Unauthorized Access to Firearms'

View the webinar recording HERE . NEWTOWN, Conn. – The National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®), in partnership with mental health experts from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) and George Washington University, released a recorded webinar video to help parents of teens recognize signs that their children may be facing mental health challenges—and share resources on how to...

Ohio’s Deer Hunters have Successful Muzzleloader Season

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio hunters completed the 2022 muzzleloader season with 12,141 deer checked from Saturday, Jan. 8 to Tuesday, Jan. 11, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. Over the past three years, an average of 11,501 deer were taken with a muzzleloader during the same four-day period. Top 10 counties for deer harvested during the 2022...

ATF’s new unfinished gun receiver rule is on hold as ATF seeks answers

WASHINGTON, D.C. –-( The industry and the public have been anxiously awaiting the new Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) rule on unfinished frames and receivers. We now have an idea where the ATF might be in the process, thanks to emails from the ATF’s Office of Regulatory Affairs obtained by Gun Owners of America (GOA). The wait probably will not be days or...

Doctors Don’t Follow Their Own Orders

Readers are likely familiar with doctors’ attempts to position themselves as uniquely qualified to dictate firearms-related policy. Professional medical associations have a long history of producing recommendations they claim are “evidence-based” without any actual evidence or, worse, acknowledging the lack of evidence but demanding the policy still be enacted. Well, it turns out surgeons don’t...

Gun Control and the Elastic Meaning of “Transfer”— Colorado Court Moves the Needle

One of laws championed by the gun-grabbing crowd is the so-called universal background check, in which private sales of firearms are subjected to a criminal background check, fees, and paperwork. What gun control advocates fail to make clear, though, is that their concept of “sale” extends to firearm “transfers,” being gifts, loans and any other transaction, regardless of how temporary, where...

PODCAST: The Tricky Secret of Anti-Gun Propaganda, Why Gun Control May Soon Be Impossible, and More

The Keep and Bear Radio podcast is hosted on Podbean and is also available on Apple , Google , Spotify , iHeartRadio and many other platforms. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast to hear every episode. How to Listen to Podcasts on Your Mobile Phone *** Episode 48: Indiana and Ohio race to enact Constitutional Carry. A company announces 0% receivers, which let you to build a legal AR from a hunk...

Saving Our School Children from Dangerous Judges in Ohio

We do a lot to protect our children. We learn as new threats come along. The news media has bombarded us with messages saying that mass murder is common and increasing. Ordinary people like us feel a growing need to protect our families. That makes sense to me, but I’ve met some wonderful men and women who go further and put their lives on the line to save other people’s children. I listened to...

A “Red Flag” Case – Florida Man’s Rights Virtually Disappear

President Biden and his Attorney General, Merrick Garland, have championed “red flag” laws that authorize courts to temporarily prohibit individuals from possessing or accessing guns based on unproven and uncorroborated allegations by family members, coworkers, law enforcement officers or others. A key feature of these laws is an initial order that is imposed “ex parte” – without notice to the...

How to Shoot a Bullseye Pistol Match

As the title implies, this is going to be a short overview of how to shoot, or the ins and outs, of a bullseye match – things you should and shouldn’t do before, during and after a match. So, let’s just jump right in, from the beginning… Before the Match: Practice and preparation are key to having fun and enjoying a match you paid your hard-earned money to shoot. I believe in practicing the...

The Truth about Radicals

A once-reputable magazine used gunshot victims as a lever in the debate over medical treatment, using the claims of an untruthful doctor who would, apparently, say anything to advance his public health agenda. “Gunshot victims left waiting as horse dewormer overdoses overwhelm Oklahoma hospitals, doctor says” was the headline run by Rolling Stone on September 3rd. The article originally ran with...

New polling confirms Americans' widespread support for the Second Amendment

New polling confirms Americans are increasingly rejecting gun control calls amidst circumstances that have left them feeling exposed to danger and unsafe in their communities. Americans, by the millions, have turned those anxieties into empowerment by purchasing a firearm, exercising their Second Amendment right for protection and rejecting gun control politicians and their schemes. Follow the...

Hunter Education, Changes We Should Embrace

Let’s get real about Hunter Education and R3. Hunter ed is mandatory in some form in all 50 states and that curriculum is managed by the International Hunter Education Association (IHEA). Our community of hunters, state fish and wildlife agencies, NGOs, and others have insisted that people have hunter education prior to hunting which is a good thing. But this class remains a barrier to R3 in some...

Gun Controllers Collaborate with Unscrupulous Foreign Regime to Undermine U.S. Constitution

Anyone tempted to think the gun control lobby couldn’t sink any further into disreputable tactics should sit down before reading any further. Last [fall], Brady – one of the older, gun prohibition advocacy groups in the U.S. – teamed up with the government of Mexico to launch an assault against the American firearms manufacturing and distribution industry. The move came in the form of a lawsuit...

Buckeye Firearms Association Mourns Loss of Rick Jones

Ohio lost a great man on January 4, 2022. Rick Jones, Life NRA member and lifelong gun owner and sportsman, worked for decades to advance Second Amendment rights. He was a proud "country boy" who learned firearm basics from his grandmother, a traditional Kentucky woman who grew up shooting as a way of life. Rick was a Region Leader and founding member of BFA whose work goes back to the very...

PODCAST: The Media Lies About Gun Owners - New University Study Reveals the Truth

The Keep and Bear Radio podcast is hosted on Podbean and is also available on Apple , Google , Spotify , iHeartRadio and many other platforms. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast to hear every episode. How to Listen to Podcasts on Your Mobile Phone *** Episode 47: The news media spins facts into fear to keep us watching, reading, and clicking to line their pockets. And one of the lies they keep...

The Columbus Dispatch Publishes BFA's Rebuttal on Constitutional Carry

After seeing multiple pieces in The Columbus Dispatch opposing Constitutional Carry, including one from the Editorial Board , I decided to submit a response. Here is my guest column published on Saturday, Jan. 8, 2022. For 20 years, I've been listening to alarmists predict blood in the streets every time legislators introduce a bill to enable greater freedom for law-abiding gun owners. The...

Using Collegiate Hunting to Develop Wildlife Policy Leaders

“Educating from a tree stand” This weekend I will be taking my daughter deer hunting with me on our family farm. Growing up in a house with a father who is a wildlife biologist and a mother who is an oceanographer, the kiddo is no stranger to nature and the peculiarities of those of us that study it. She swims like a fish, will be scuba certified in a year or 2, has helped me clean deer and ducks...

The Second Amendment Now Comes with Government-Issued “Harmful Language Alert”

The absurdity and dysfunction of the Biden Administration have become so pervasive that it’s easy to become numb to it all. But some things it does are still so outrageous and inconceivable – touching on the very identity of the nation itself – that it is worth pausing to take stock of just how far the U.S. has fallen as a country in the short time Joe Biden has occupied the White House. The...

“You’ve Reached 911, Please Hold …”

A standard talking point of gun prohibitionists is that in these modern times, ordinary people don’t need their own firearms because the police will protect them from criminals. Last year, no less than David Chipman, President Biden’s failed nominee to lead the ATF– employed then as a senior policy advisor for the Giffords anti-gun group – mocked first-time gun owners as delusional because the “...

Tracing Spurious Claims

Since leading anti-gun researchers acknowledged no connection between the 2020 surge in firearms sales and violence, unscrupulous anti-gun advocates must cite underwhelming statistics as meaningful evidence. That’s what The Trace did, in an article written in collaboration with FiveThirtyEight. We’d expect a more sophisticated analysis from FiveThirtyEight, but this is what Nate Silver’s outfit...

PODCAST REPLAY: 10 Things You Should NEVER Do After a Self-Defense Shooting

The Keep and Bear Radio podcast is hosted on Podbean and is also available on Apple , Google , Spotify , iHeartRadio and many other platforms. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast to hear every episode. How to Listen to Podcasts on Your Mobile Phone *** Episode 46: When it comes to armed self-defense, it's usually not the shooting itself that trips you up legally. More often than not, it's what... Top 10 News Items of 2021

In 2021, we published approximately 300 news articles, along with other types of content. Over the years, we have published approximately 13,500 articles, covering elections, legislation, and all manner of events and information of interest to Second Amendment supporters. Ours is an international audience. Beyond the U.S., we receive the most visits from Canada, United Kingdom, China, Australia,...

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.