
SB 215 (Constitutional Carry) to receive fourth House committee hearing, possible vote

Representative Shane Wilkin (R-Hillsboro), who chairs the House Government Oversight Committee, has announced a fourth hearing for SB 215 (Constitutional Carry), sponsored by Sen. Terry Johnson. The Chair has indicated amendments may be considered before a possible vote. The hearing will be held on Tuesday, March 1 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 122 at the Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square, Columbus, OH 43215...

PODCAST: Traveler’s Guide to the Firearm Laws of the Fifty States

The Keep and Bear Radio podcast is hosted on Podbean and is also available on Apple , Google , Spotify , iHeartRadio and many other platforms. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast to hear every episode. How to Listen to Podcasts on Your Mobile Phone *** Episode 54: GPS makes it easy to navigate a family trip, but navigating the patchwork of state gun laws can be difficult. Which states allow...

New Data: “Buybacks” Futile and Foolish Waste of Tax Dollars

In the run-up to the 2020 election, most of the Democratic candidates were united in pushing for a national “gun buyback” program. Sen. Bernie Sanders tweeted, “The federal government must ban assault weapons and implement a buyback program to get assault weapons off the streets.” Candidate and now Vice President Kamala Harris campaigned on a promise to impose a “mandatory gun buyback program,”...

Ohio Capitol Journal asks age-old question of Mike DeWine: "Will the politician keep his promise?"

“How do you know a politician is lying? Because their mouth is moving." "What do you get if you ask a politician to tell 'the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth'? 3 different answers." "The vaccine's trial should be done on politicians first. If they survive the vaccine is safe, if they don't the country is safe." "What's the difference between a politician and a flying pig? The...

CMP Announces Camp Perry Rifle Matches Scheduled for 2022 Season

Registration is now open for the Civilian Marksmanship Program’s (CMP) series of Garand, Springfield, Vintage and Modern Military (GSMM) rifle matches – set at Ohio’s historic Camp Perry National Guard Training Facility in 2022. These matches will be held at Camp Perry’s Petrarca Range using CMP’s innovative electronic target system. Utilizing these KTS (Kongsberg Target System) targets means...

2022-23 Deer Hunting Proposals Presented to Ohio Wildlife Council

COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Ohio Wildlife Council received proposals for the 2022-23 white-tailed deer hunting season on Wednesday, Feb. 9 from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. If approved, deer hunting bag limits will increase in 18 counties in September 2022. The 2022-23 deer hunting dates are similar to last season. As in years past, only one antlered deer may be...

Don't Believe Beto

The clown prince of American politics is back in the headlines. During a campaign stop in Tyler, Texas, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke shared his new position on firearms. According to the noted gun confiscation proponent, he’s no longer hell bent on grabbing guns. The failed presidential candidate told those gathered, “I’m not interested in taking anything from...

PODCAST: No, Remington Didn’t Settle and Alec Baldwin’s Gun Didn’t Just Go Off

The Keep and Bear Radio podcast is hosted on Podbean and is also available on Apple , Google , Spotify , iHeartRadio and many other platforms. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast to hear every episode. How to Listen to Podcasts on Your Mobile Phone *** Episode 53: The media is falsely reporting that Remington agreed to a $73 million legal settlement, even though the company doesn't exist...

Bulletproof your mind with Col. Dave Grossman - Saturday, April 23, 2022

We are pleased to announce that Lt. Col. Dave Grossman will once again present his Bulletproof Mind seminar here in central Ohio. When Saturday, April 23, 2022 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Where Cherry Valley Hotel & Event Center 2299 Cherry Valley Rd SE Newark, OH 43055-9393 WARNING: This intense, all-day class deals bluntly and graphically with real-world violence and lethal self-defense. We recommend...

BFA Testifies in Support of House Bill 455 to Protect Carry License Holders

When it comes to firearms, the law should only criminalize behavior that puts others in danger. It should not seek to punish otherwise honest, law-abiding people for making innocent mistakes. This is the logic behind House Bill 455 , sponsored by Rep. Reggie Stoltzfus, to help people avoid charges for accidentally carrying a firearm in a prohibited place. Specifically, the bill would provide an...

Four BFA-Supported Bills Advance in House Committee

On Thursday, Feb. 17, 2022, the Ohio House Government Oversight Committee heard testimony on four BFA-supported bills. The committee heard opponent and interested party testimony on Senate Bill 215 , sponsored by Sen. Terry Johnson, for Constitutional Carry. This was the bill's third hearing in this committee. This bill continues to advance rapidly and may be scheduled for a committee vote soon,...

Buyer Beware: Lessons from Online Gun Buying

I’d been looking for a certain shotgun for waterfowling for some time. Circumstances never seemed to line up to make it happen. Finally, I found the gun, the price and the geographic convenience that brought it all together. I contacted the seller and we arranged to meet so I could look over the merchandise. But in my mind, I was convinced this was the gun. We met and I immediately succumbed to...

Ohio House Votes to Pass HB 325 to Limit Emergency Power in Emergencies

On Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2022, the Ohio House voted 62 - 35 to pass House Bill 32 5 . The bill now heads to the Senate for hearings. HB 325, sponsored by Rep. Scott Wiggam, along with companion bill SB 185 sponsored by Sen. Tim Schaffer, would prevent state and local governments from infringing on Second Amendment rights during declared emergencies. Crafted by BFA, along with our partners NRA and...

Ohio’s Final 2021-22 Deer Harvest Report

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio’s 2021-22 deer hunting season concluded Sunday, Feb. 6, 2022, with 196,988 deer checked, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife. Ohio’s average harvest compiled from the past three seasons is 184,746 deer. The final totals represent all deer harvested during archery, gun, muzzleloader, and youth hunting seasons that began on Sept...

A Lost Art Leads to the Demolition of Wild Turkey

Turkey populations have been dropping significantly. The disappearance of a trade may be the perpetrator. Spring in West Virginia means one thing to hunters- Spring Gobbler season. You see hunters buying new camo to go out in, buying decoys, and practicing their shrill calls to attract a wild bird. But what if there are no turkeys to respond in the first place? At the beginning of the 20th...

What is the Best Gun for Me?

It is a question every firearms instructor gets asked, often many times. Students look to their instructors as having considerable expertise and want their advice on what they should use for personal protection, concealed carry, home defense, etc. They are looking for a simple answer, but unfortunately the question requires a lot more information. What is “best” for you may be entirely different...

2022 Annual Butler County Friends of Youth Shooting Sports Banquet

The American Freedom Liberty Foundation has announced their annual Butler County Friends of Youth Shooting Sports Banquet. Enjoy an evening with fellow patriots plus a savory dinner, cash bar, fun games, table of guns, silent and live auction, wall of guns, and special gun drawings. There will be many opportunities to win firearms at this event! Purchase your tickets prior to February 27 for a...

PODCAST: Constitutional Carry Update - How Close is Ohio to Passing Permitless Carry?

The Keep and Bear Radio podcast is hosted on Podbean and is also available on Apple , Google , Spotify , iHeartRadio and many other platforms. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast to hear every episode. How to Listen to Podcasts on Your Mobile Phone *** Episode 52: To date, 21 states have Constitutional Carry, allowing citizens to carry firearms concealed without a license. And now Ohio is...

Senate Bill 293 Introduced to Protect Gun Owners from Insurance Mandates

Senators Theresa Gavarone and Terry Johnson have introduced a bill to prevent gun owners from being charged with fees or forced to buy liability insurance as a precondition for gun ownership. Recently, San Jose, CA, passed the first U.S. law requiring all gun owners to purchase liability insurance and pay an annual fee. Touted as a measure to reduce violence, it is actually a thinly-veiled attack...

Small game hunting: Rabbits anyone?

“Look in here! Seek! Get ‘em! Look here!” My hunting buddy’s shouts were measured and rhythmic. He repeated the words over and again, giving emphasis when he stepped in likely looking pieces of cover. When he reached something he thought was especially inviting his tone would change and he would increase the tempo. This meant get here, everybody, right now! His charges, a pack of no less than...

Social Media Bullies Can Stunt Hunter Recruitment

A few years ago, the teenage daughter of a family friend killed the third largest non-typical whitetail buck — and the largest ever taken by a female hunter — in Pennsylvania. It was an achievement she’d earned, having scouted the deer all summer, later encountering it sporadically during archery season and ultimately bagging it with a rifle. It was an incredible moment. A proud moment. But the...

BFA Testifies in Favor of SB 215 for Constitutional Carry

On Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022, Buckeye Firearms Association presented testimony in the House Government Oversight Committee strongly supporting SB 215 to enact Constitutional Carry in Ohio. This was the second hearing in the House for this vital legislation. Yesterday, in the first hearing , the committee heard sponsor testimony from Sen. Terry Johnson. The bill has already passed the Senate. Here...

Protecting Cultural Acceptance

There are two ways to promote and defend hunting in the United States. The first is to foster active participation in hunting. The second is to maintain, protect and enhance the cultural acceptance of hunting. The first cannot exist without the second. Today numerous organizations across the country work to increase hunting participation and to develop programs to recruit, retain and reactivate...

Constitutional Carry Bill Moves Rapidly, Emergency Power Bill Passes Committee

On Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2022, the Ohio House Government Oversight Committee held hearings for three BFA-Supported bills. SB 215 on Constitutional Carry received its first hearing in the House with bill sponsor Sen. Terry Johnson presenting testimony. This bill is moving rapidly. In December, the bill passed the Senate and was introduced into the House. In January, it was assigned to committee. The...

How to defend against the many attacks on hunting

Life is all about change, and we as hunters know this well. Animals change habits, locations, moods, and tendencies on their time and under their logic, not ours. As hunters, we pride ourselves on our ability to adapt to changes in animals, yes – but we must also adapt to changes in humans, our environments, and our habits. COVID-19 is just the latest example of an external factor which has...

PODCAST: An Inside Look at BFA’s Lineup of Firearm and Self-Defense Training Classes

The Keep and Bear Radio podcast is hosted on Podbean and is also available on Apple , Google , Spotify , iHeartRadio and many other platforms. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast to hear every episode. How to Listen to Podcasts on Your Mobile Phone *** Episode 51: Buckeye Firearms Association has announced its 2022 firearm and self-defense training schedule. And if you've never attended one of...

Hearings for 3 BFA-Supported Bills Scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday

The Ohio House Government Oversight Committee has announced hearings for three BFA-Supported bills on Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2022, at 10 a.m., Room 018 at the Ohio Statehouse. The committee will hold a second hearing, for SB 215 proponent testimony, on Wednesday, Feb. 9, at 10:30 a.m. in the same room. SB 215 - Constitutional Carry (Sponsor: Terry Johnson) This bill would make licensing optional for...

How to Access Hunting Opportunities on U.S. Military Bases

One of the most popular reality TV stars is Gordon Ramsay of “Hell’s Kitchen” Fame. Ramsay made his name by being an outspoken, passionate, sometimes brutal, gourmet. Whatever you may think of his cooking or his antics, hunters may be surprised to learn that one of his shows demonstrates his willingness to capture, kill or otherwise procure his own game meat and prepare it, start to finish—from...

2022 BFA Firearms and Self-Defense Training Class Schedule

Buckeye Firearms Association has announced 10 firearms and self-defense training classes so far for 2022. We may add to this list in the near future. Sign up now. Our classes frequently sell out. BFA Members can get discounts on all classes and most other events. If you have a paid membership, contact us for your Promo Code. If you're not yet a member, c lick here to join now . Click on the event...

Federal Bill Seeks to Ban Suppressors despite Hearing Safety Benefits

Recently, I wrote an article for the NRA’s America’s First Freedom (A1F) website about a new attempt by some federal-level politicians to make suppressors illegal. The “Help Empower Americans to Respond” or HEAR Act would, if passed into law, ban the importation, sale, manufacturing, transfer and even the very possession of suppressors—despite that suppressors reduce hunters’ and shooters’ risk...


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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.