No Guns on Gun Ban Signs?
When it comes to the anti-gunners' viewpoint, don't be too hasty in thinking that things can't get more ridiculous than they already are, because--as this story illustrates--they most assuredly can.
[Recently], the Daily Caller reported that, in response to a law requiring the posting of small, "no guns allowed" stickers where the carry of concealed firearms is still banned, some school officials in the Chicago suburbs are deeply troubled over the fact that the signs banning guns actually show a very basic image of all things…a gun! In other words, they're disgruntled over the fact that an image of a gun appears on signs banning guns!
The 4-by-6-inch stickers are intended to announce that guns cannot be carried in schools, and feature small picture of a black gun with a red slash through it on a white background--the standard "no fill-in-the-blank-allowed" stickers, such as "no smoking allowed," or "no dogs allowed." And who would ever suggest removing the image of a cigarette or dog from those signs? That would be absurd. The whole point of the sign is to allow the person viewing it to instantly recognize what is disallowed.
According to the article, one administrator, Theresa Nolan, principal of Tinley Park High School, stressed that she is very concerned with "safety and security" and is further concerned that, somehow, someone could wrongly interpret an image of a gun as part of the universal prohibition sign. "It is bothersome to have to post a sticker of a gun that says, 'Hey, folks, leave your guns at home,'" Nolan said. "I think the general public will be alarmed by it and wonder if people have been allowed to bring guns to school in the past."
One has to wonder if Nolan thinks the general public, upon seeing a similar "no smoking allowed" or "no dogs allowed" sign, would be alarmed and wonder if people had previously been allowed to smoke or have a dog in the area.
Administrators concerned with "safety and security" should be less troubled over images of guns appearing on signs banning guns, and more focused on strategies that work. Our children are our most precious resource and have to be protected. A "no guns allowed" sticker--with or without an image of a gun--does not make a school secure.
© 2013 National Rifle Association of America. Institute for Legislative Action. This may be reproduced. It may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.
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