Give ‘Em Heller!
In 1988, when Florida first considered passing a shall-issue concealed carry permitting (CCW) law, gun control groups hysterically predicted massive public bloodshed and shoot-outs in the streets. But nothing like their dire predictions has ever happened. In fact, after Florida civilians were allowed to legally carry guns in public for self-defense, certain categories of violence plummeted. For example, in the first five years after Florida allowed concealed carry, murders went down 21%, while nationally they rose 9%.
As many other states followed Florida’s lead and also started issuing licenses to carry, crime rates began to subside nationally.
Except that is, in Washington D.C. where guns were completely banned and no carry was allowed. Murders there soared 26% over the same period that Florida’s murder rate fell 21%.
Opposite reactions.
Twenty years later, the Supreme Court ruled that D.C. could no longer ban handguns. Gun control groups, recycling the same tired scare tactics they used in Florida and every other state that passed liberalized policies for carrying firearms for self-defense, predicted increased public bloodshed from increased gun ownership. Dire prophecies were again proffered about how the average citizen could kill-at-will and how they would stratospherically drive city violence higher.
Guess what? In Heller’s wake, D.C. crime is now going down. Things in D.C. are looking better. Since the Heller decision, homicides have dropped 56%, compared to 13% for everywhere else. Aggravated assaults have dipped 12%.
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