Volunteer for the NRA-ILA in Ohio!
From our friends at NRA-ILA...
If one thing is certain during this election cycle, the fight for our Second Amendment Rights is taking place right in front of us. Anti-gun special interests, politicians, and media elites are doing everything in their power to achieve one simple goal, strip away your Second Amendment rights.
If an anti-gun president gets elected and we lose control of the U.S. Senate, our rights will immediately be in jeopardy. With one current vacancy on the Supreme Court and the potential for more in the coming years, decisive pro-gun victories such as Heller and McDonald, could be quickly stripped away, possibly for generations.
That being said, the strength of the NRA comes from people like you – loyal activists. We thank you and appreciate your support, now we are asking you to join us on the Frontlines of the fight to protect our freedom. The 2016 election will be a pivotal moment for our cause and we want to make sure you have every opportunity to get involved. I for one do not want to wonder if I could have done more on November 9th.
Which is why your NRA Grassroots division is ready to educate and activate pro-gun voters across the country to help elect candidates that will in turn do their part to protect our freedoms. I encourage you to take a moment to reach out to your local Campaign Field Representative and find out how you can get involved TODAY!
North East Ohio
David Conte | David@nrailafrontlines.com
North West Ohio
Ryan Bradley | Ryan@nrailafrontlines.com
South West Ohio
Jake Meinzer | Jake@nrailafrontlines.com
Our passionate Ohio team has been on the ground all year, but now they need your help more than ever. As a member of the grassroots community that they have been building, you understand the importance of what we face, but they need your continued help to reach out to every pro-gun supporter in the Sunshine state and together we can elect the candidates to help us secure the future of the Second Amendment.
Take Action. Take Control of our Future. Fight for our Freedom. Join Us!
Yours in Freedom,
Christian Ragosta
Grassroots Field Coordinator
- 313 reads