Nugent in Oxford tonight; Rocker praises Open Carry 'Defense' Walkers

OFCC's Larry Moore had the opportunity to interview Ted Nugent for a story to promote his appearance at Miami University at Oxford tonight. In addition, Larry Moore’s upcoming February 27 column Moore Outdoors will be featuring Ted Nugent.

"Bring your friends to Miami University," Nugent said. "We need to get the word out there. The truth is a beautiful thing. It is contagious. Everyone has an intellect. We need to inspire people to be more honest and more outreaching to find the common ground and bring a quality of life to all of us. Hunting, trapping, and fishing ultimately bring about biodiversity. These activities bring a focus to the air, soil, and water quality and wildlife habitat that sportsmen and sportsmen alone safeguard and improve upon in this nation of ours."

"If you are not allowed to carry a gun you are helpless. Being helpless is irresponsible. That is the message I try to get out. The bottom line is that I am a pretty funny guy so come out and enjoy me."

Click on the "Read More..." link below for excerpts from the telephone interview, including Nugent's praise for Ohio's Open Carry 'Defense' Walks last fall.

Comments from Ted Nugent regarding concealed carry and why the struggle in Ohio and Michigan has taken so long:

“I salute the open carry walks you had in Ohio. Defiance of absurdity, defiance of anti-Constitutional and anti-American Dream buffoonery from the bureaucrats, pimps, whores, and welfare brats that would somehow believe that free good and decent people are somehow better off helpless - I find that amazing. The whole attitude is so retarded that I salute all people who stand up for this experiment in self government and execute the 'we the people' defiance of unreasonable and anti-constitutional anti-common sense anti- self evident truth insanity that is spread across this country. I am just a dumb guitar player but I understand basics. I celebrate the unique opportunities based on individual freedoms and individual rights that is this experiment in self-government we call the United State of America.”

“I am a child of the post WWII industrial revolution. My Mom and Dad taught me that the American Dream simply is universally celebrated by all productive people. These are the people who get up really early and know that affirmative action includes an alarm clock. Those of us who produce, put our heart and soul into being the best we can be, were confident that the U. S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights and self-evident truths still define policy. Unfortunately, policy makers have been listening to a lunatic fringe that somehow in between the barbecues think that animals must have rights. Somehow they think we don't have the right to keep and bear arms because some monster from the Crips and Bloods might shoot someone while on parole again. You and I must be dictated by the policy of the most insane outrageous defiance of citizenship of decency and good will. We cannot believe political correctness and all of its insane cultism. The politically correct can actually steer policy more than the politically incorrect which happens to be the people of Ten Commandments, the people of U. S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Those of us who adhere to principles and try to conduct ourselves to the best we can be based on individual freedoms, responsibility and accountability that goes with them must counter that. While we were busy working, the punks created policymaking. The prognosis is much better today than it was a few years ago.”

“Individual freedoms and responsibilities should never be separated. That is why we lost our rights. That is why you need a government issued license to actually execute your God given rights to self-defense. The next thing we are going to know is that we are going to need a government issued license to chose the church of our choice or to chose the words of our own expression or to assemble and counter the offensive and anti-American outrage. These are the guarantees in the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights that you must never ever need a license to live. This is an indictment against the very concept of we the people directing policy in this country. I for one am embarrassed at the apathy of the people. We the people are absolutely guilty because of the apathy and the non-involvement of so many American citizens. There is a handful of warriors, you will find them in the trenches of working hard and playing hard American families who are taking back this country one family, one neighborhood, one community, one state at a time. The prognosis has improved. I am pleased at the progress, but I am not yet happy.”

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Reminder: Ted Nugent at Ohio University Thursday!

Miami Univ. (OH) gets 'Cat Scratch Fever': Ted Nuget will outline political views

Rocker Ted Nugent weighs in on Ohio's self-defense ban

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