While Media Chase “Fear” Narrative; Americans Make their Own Decisions on Buying Firearms
Mainstream media always struggle to explain the fact that Americans choose to exercise their Second Amendment rights. In the last few days alone we have headlines suggesting the incoming Trump Administration and fear of hate crimes are behind soaring gun sales.
Under the Obama Administration, gun sales surged. The media’s take: nutty people who already have guns are buying even more guns because they are scared Obama will take away their right to buy more in the future.
Now that President-elect Trump is getting set to take office, gun sales continue to rise. Only now, the media cannot blame the fear of the nation’s gun owners. Instead, they are chasing the fear narrative in the other direction.
Media outlets are now taking a look at the demographics of those choosing to legally purchase firearms and are seeing for the first time the trends that have been evident for years now. The ongoing trends of more ethnic diversity and increasing female participation are clear to anyone in the industry.
Click here to read the entire article at NSSFBlog.com.
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