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Indiana newspaper hears loud voice of opposition to publishing CCW list

The State of Indiana has had nearly 70 years of quiet and successful experience with a concealed carry law. Unfortunately for Hoosiers, recent battles over public records in Ohio seem to have given a few Indiana journalists bad ideas:

In a recent news story, the Ft. Wayne News-Sentinel raided the privacy of concealed handgun license-holders, and "outed" a few high-profile people. Most interstingly, the list included the anti-gun editor of a competing paper - the Ft. Wayne Journal- Gazette's Tracy Warner.

The editors at the News-Sentinel were kind enough to ask their readers if they believed the paper should proceed with plans to make the entire list of Allen Co (IN) CHL-holders available online (something editors at the Columbus Dispatch, Cleveland Plain Dealer and Elyria Chronicle haven't had the courtesy to do!).

The results are in, and 95% of News-Sentinel readers told the paper to trash their idea.

What if the violent stalker who was shot by this Indiana woman had known in advance that she was carrying?
''God's grace'' (and concealed firearm) saves Indiana woman's life

These Ohio newspapers could care less about women like this in Ohio, much less about your opinion: Rotten Apples and Sour Grapes

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