Discount Drug Mart: There will be no corporate policy on signs
On Tuesday, March 23, Ohioans For Concealed Carry began receiving reports that Discount Drug Mart, an Ohio-owned and operated discount chain in northeast Ohio, had begun posting discriminatory signs against CHL-holders.
As will be our policy for all future sightings, we quickly brought this matter to our members' and supporters' attention, along with information on a shopping alternative, since national competitor Walgreen's has indicated they will NOT be posting such signs.
Two days later, on Friday, March 24, following announcement has been issued by Discount Drug Mart to concerned customers:
To: Ohioans for Concealed Carry Organization and concerned citizens
From: Discount Drug Mart
This is in regards to an article written on Wednesday, March 24th on
the news website located at In this article, it is
stated that Discount Drug Mart had made a decision to hang signs indicating
that concealed weapons would not be permitted inside our stores.
We would like to assure Ohioans for Concealed Carry as well as any
concerned citizens that no such policy had been enacted. No signs were
printed, nor any directives given to our store management to make such
signs. If anyone has evidence that signs of this nature are in fact at any
of our store locations you are encouraged to let us know.
The management of Discount Drug Mart understands the arguments both
for and against the concealed carry issue, but we feel it is not our place
to take a position on this issue. We hope to serve everyone in our
community, be they a permit holder or no.
We hope that this has cleared up any misunderstanding on this issue,
and that you will give us your continued patronage. If you have any further
comments on this issue, please feel free to contact us.
Tom McConnell
Chief Financial Officer
Discount Drug Mart Corporate Offices
211 Commerce Dr.
Medina, OH 44256
We are encouraged that Discount Drug Mart's management has heard the message we've been sharing on What Business Owners Need to Know About CCW. This corporation is making a responsible decision. There are no credible studies that show increased dangers to businesses because of concealed carry, yet many prove the benefits.
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