Vote Linda Walker for re-election to the NRA Board of Directors
Dear Fellow Second Amendment Brothers and Sisters, Ammoland readers and NRA Members,
My name is Linda Walker and I am asking for your vote for re-election to the NRA Board of Directors.
In 2011, when I ran for the NRA Board of Directors the first time, I ran on the platform of bringing more women into the Second Amendment fold. Not just as shooters, but supporters to the Second Amendment as a whole. I realized early on in my advocacy work, that as a woman, I had a big voice in the arena of Second Amendment rights. I realized that if you get the wife/mother involved, you will get the entire family involved. As the mother goes, so shall the family.
When I was first elected, I advocated to NRA leadership to do something for the ladies attending NRA Annual Meetings. The first Women's New Energy Breakfast was born through this idea, and I will be co-hosting our 7th Annual New Energy Breakfast again with fellow Board members Sandy Froman and Maria Heil, in April, in Nashville. Our target audience being the lady who was attending her first Annual Meetings and really didn't know what NRA was all about. This has been a very well received and growing event. Since first being elected, I have seen huge strides in more women embracing the Second Amendment, as well as the shooting sports, hunting, as well as families enjoying shooting together.
I am proud that I have attended 100% of all the NRA Board meetings since being elected in 2011. I was asked to represent the members when they cast their vote for me, and I take that service very seriously. I am a firm believer that if our members ask the Board to serve them, that they be in attendance to fulfill those obligations! I also am a firm believer that the Board is there to serve our membership, and above all else, our Second Amendment to the Constitution!
I am an NRA Benefactor member, an NRA Certified Instructor in multiple disciplines and have instructed thousands of students in concealed carry classes. I'm also an NRA FrontLines Activist Volunteer, past Friends of NRA Chairman, NRA Recruiter, was a regular contributor to NRA News, multimedia spokesman, Gun Rights Policy Conference speaker, and speaker at other speaking engagements. I have sat on multiple NRA Committees including Legislative Policy, State and Local Policy, Women's Policy and Grassroots Development. I am also a member of the Ohio Gun Collectors Association.
People will ask me often, how it was that I got involved in gun rights. Short answer: when Ohio passed concealed carry, I was one of the first to get my concealed handgun license. I learned very quickly 3 years prior, when I became a Realtor that I was in a very dangerous occupation. I wanted to be able to protect myself.
I GOT INVOLVED!!!! Boy did I get involved!
I wasn't looking for a cause, most certainly not the gun rights cause, but the cause found me. Shortly after getting my CHL, I was invited to leadership of Buckeye Firearms Association. I was ignorant of what I was getting myself into. But 2 months later, I was in the Ohio Statehouse testifying for legislation we were running.
Throughout my years with Buckeye Firearms Association, our team has successfully lobbied to make huge strides in restoring Second Amendment rights to Ohioans. We have successfully passed many bills including Preemption, Castle Doctrine, Restaurant Carry, a lot of clean up legislation, the employer parking lot ban which prevents employers from punishing employees for keeping lawfully-owned firearms inside their vehicle. In 2016, I assisted the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles to bring back the NRA Foundation license plate.
In 2009, the NRA awarded me the "Sybil Ludington Women's Freedom Award." This is the highest award on the national level given to a women for furthering the shooting sports through legislation, education and advocacy. This award is what led me to run for the NRA Board of Directors.
In 2013, I traveled to Colorado to work on the senate recall elections. Literally the citizens lost their gun rights overnight, just as Virginia is right now. The recalls were successful. I didn't need to do that, but it was the right thing to do! The following year I traveled to Iowa to help Joni Ernst win her US Senate seat. Again, I didn't need to do that, but it was the right thing to do!
I am honored to serve as part of President Trump's 62-member Second Amendment Coalition with fellow 2A advocates. We help the President further the Second Amendment and keep the Supreme Court pro-Constitution.
I am neither rich nor a famous celebrity. I don't get paid for what I do. I am just an average person who has devoted myself to the Constitution, the Second Amendment, and upholding it as our Forefathers meant it to be. My husband Jim and I raised our three sons to be fine Patriots, with each of them serving our great nation, either in the US Army or as a law enforcement officers. The cause has been a great sacrifice to our family, but I do it for my grandchildren. I had the privilege of growing up with freedoms that I want them to enjoy, and that is why I do all this.
I ask that when you receive your ballot, you check the box next to my name, Linda Walker. It is my humble honor to represent the NRA's five million members and continue the fight for our Second Amendment rights!
I am honored to be endorsed by Buckeye Firearms Association!
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