TODAY is Ohio's General Election.
CLICK HERE to see BFA PAC's grades and endorsements
This is a critical election, for Ohio and the nation. And perhaps more than any other election, your gun rights are on the ballot.
Listen to our Keep and Bear Radio podcast on today's election.
We've made great progress here in Ohio recently, enacting permitless carry and stand your ground, along with giving schools the option to arm employees, legalizing knife carry, securing millions to upgrade public ranges, and more. But cities are trying to find ways around Ohio's preemption law. The Biden administration is threatening draconian federal gun control. And dozens of other threats loom on the horizon.
That's why if you haven't already voted early, you MUST get out TODAY and vote.
And please vote top to bottom on your ballot. Pay particular attention to the Ohio Supreme Court races where BFA PAC has endorsed 3 candidates: Sharon Kennedy, Pat DeWine, and Pat Fisher.
The court is our last resort when all else fails, and we need justices who will abide by the U.S. Constitution and Ohio's Constitution when making decisions about our rights.
Please help spread the word and encourage your friends and family to vote their gun rights! Forward this email to everyone you know. And share our grades and endorsements page on your social media pages.
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