Brown Publishing's knee-jerk reaction to ''editor-gone-mad''
The following letter has been submitted by OFCC Senate District 10 Coordinator Larry Moore to his employer, Brown Publishing.
The letter is written in response to the company's decision to force its newspapers (see the list here) to post signs banning concealed carry. The decision was made AFTER Jeff Hibbs, then-editor of the Wilmington News Journal, illegally concealed a firearm, and allegedly used it to kidnap a woman, and drive her to a cemetary. The victim was able to escape and Mr. Hibbs was apprehended later at Cowen Lake State Park and confined to the county jail.
Does Brown Publishing really think signs will stop the next "Mr. Hibbs"?
I was surprised, shocked, and disappointed as I entered the front door of the Xenia Gazette on Monday afternoon to encounter a no firearms posting. I returned to my truck, removed the gun from my holster (exposing it to view of anyone passing), and left it locked in a case in plain view on my front seat. As the holder of the first Concealed Handgun License issued in Greene County, I have carried into the building many times. The policy is no doubt a knee-jerk reaction to the unfortunate incident involving Brown Publishing employee Jeff Hibbs of the Wilmington News Journal.
I am dismayed because President and CEO Roy Brown recently ran for Congress as a life-long conservative. While I do not reside in that district, I did believe his conservative message. However, I now learn that those life-long conservative beliefs were nothing more than an advertising campaign for political office. At the first sign of actually standing on life-long conservative values, Mr. Roy Brown leads his company in the opposite direction. He switched positions faster than John Kerry!
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The posting of no firearms signs is the most recent example of liberal feel good policy. Many seem to believe that posting a sign prohibiting my legally carried firearm will result in improved safety. Typical of liberal feel good policy, nothing could be further from the truth. My legally carried firearm is a threat to no one so long as I am not in immediate danger of death or bodily harm. Such signs do not deter the “Mr. Hibbs” of the world. Hibbs broke the law by carrying a loaded firearm in a vehicle WITHOUT a concealed handgun license. He broke more laws by assaulting the woman. Hibbs violated Brown Publishing policy relating to sexual harassment. Because of his lawlessness, Brown Publishing policy now denies my civil right of self-defense. I have taken all the required steps to be properly licensed and legally carry my firearm. This policy can only result in the law-abiding being defenseless in the face of the next “Mr. Hibbs”. This is an upside down liberal policy at its worst.
I am surprised because of a guest column by Mr. Clarence Brown published May 5, 2004 entitled ‘Be Careful What You Wish For’. Mr. Clarence Brown wrote, “It is difficult to grasp why the proprietor of a late-night convenience store would put a sign in his window to let the bad guys know the legitimate customers are unarmed…” The column continued, “…the proprietor may be liable for your death, injury or trauma under the new Concealed Weapon law if he denied you your licensed right to carry for your self-protection while on his premises. Future legal cases will determine this precedent. Now, substitute Toys-R-Us, Wal-Mart or the Victoria’s Secret for the convenience store and you can see the complications here.”
Now let’s substitute Brown Publishing for the convenience store. Is there any chance that if I am injured or killed in the Gazette offices, that Brown Publishing might be liable because my right of self-defense under Ohio law was denied? I think so. Can Brown Publishing protect me or their employees on the job? There are no security guards, metal detectors, gates or other devices. There is only a cheap paper sign indicating that I am not welcome because I have a legally concealed handgun. Brown Publishing cannot protect me or any of their employees. Not from the next Jeff Hibbs or from someone who did not like the way a certain piece was written and went over the edge. I have had death threats for writing about deer hunting and putting photos of dead deer in the paper. Brown Publishing did nothing to offer me protection. In fact, then Managing Editor Pam Girton thought it was pretty funny. I am not so sure but what the phone call was not orchestrated by her but that is long gone history.
It is ironic because I have been welcomed when my column helps circulation. I have been welcomed when called upon to cover a Greeneview High School basketball game. I have been welcomed when providing coverage for the Greene County Park & Recreation informational seminars regarding concealed carry. I have also rushed to Ross Township to cover the first organizational meeting of the opposition to the proposed mega dairy. All were events that the Xenia Gazette did not have staff reporters to provide coverage. All done without pay to support my local newspaper and benefiting Brown Publishing. The Greene County Dailies ran my photo on the front page when I received my license. Now a sign on the front door proclaims that I am no longer welcome. It is hypocrisy on the part of Brown Publishing.
I find it very interesting that people claiming the Republican mantel today would deny civil rights. It was the Republican’s who led the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s while Southern Democrats tried to maintain segregation and denial of rights based on skin color. Today Republicans, such as you, are denying rights because of a license held or property owned.
Gun owners left the Republican party several years ago to vote for H. Ross Perot. This cost George H.W. Bush the reelection resulting in the disastrous Clinton years. The Ohio Republican party is in a precarious position during a critical election year. Ohio gun owners are unhappy with many Republicans including Governor Bob Taft, Senator Mike DeWine, and Senator George Voinovich. The Columbus big-power Republicans are adding their own childish displays to the building inferno. Ohio is often cited as a critical swing state in the election. I have signed on to be the Greene County Coordinator for the Sportsmen for Bush effort. Seeing life-long Republicans deny my civil rights, while turning your back on concealed carry and self-defense reform for Ohio much the same as Governor Taft, is extremely disheartening. It makes it very difficult to go out to sportsmen clubs across the area and enthusiastically encourage a Republican vote for President Bush. Will the Republicans once again court my vote in 2004 and then forget about me like a jilted bride? If so, it will be the last time. I may be a little slow but I eventually get the message.
Many of these same sportsmen read my outdoor column. The postings make it difficult to be associated with Brown Publishing. I believe the signs are ill advised. I respectively request that Brown Publishing remove the discriminatory and offensive no gun signs from all their properties.
Sincerely yours,
Larry S. Moore
Jamestown, OH
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