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Logos of eight organizations in favor of Ohio Issue 1

For these 8 organizations, Issue 1 is about more than that one issue

Despite the persistent claim by extreme progressive organizations and many in the media that Issue 1 on the Aug. 8 ballot is all about one issue only, let's be clear: That's a false narrative.

Of course, pro-life citizens would prefer to keep abortion out of the Ohio Constitution. But that's one contingent of many who favor making it difficult to amend the state's primary document that is intended to secure our liberties.

In fact, organizations with no public interest in abortion have come out in favor of requiring a 60% majority vote to approve an amendment to the Ohio Constitution.

The Buckeye Firearms Association, for example, strongly supports Issue 1 because we know it would help protect law-abiding citizens' Second Amendment rights.

Here are eight other Ohio-based organizations that strongly encourage a YES vote on Issue 1:

Ohio Restaurant Association: John Barker, CEO

A Yes vote on Issue 1 will support Ohio's hospitality industry, which is still recovering from the pandemic and trying to manage soaring food, labor and supply inflation over the past 2 years.

Issue 1 will make it harder to enshrine policies that would be harmful to our favorite restaurant and foodservice locations across the Buckeye state by elevating the standards to qualify for and to pass amendments to Ohio’s Constitution.

Our industry is solely focused on countering anti-business movements like a fast-tracked and massive change to the state’s starting entry level wage rate, which is already indexed to inflation, and elimination of a tipped wage that enables restaurant servers to earn excellent compensation. A policy change on these two topics would drive up overall inflation, limit employment opportunities for 500,000+ Ohioans who work in our industry and increase costs for small business owners in every county in Ohio.

NFIB Ohio: Chris Ferruso, state director

The Ohio Constitution should not be an easy target for groups seeking policy changes harmful to Ohio's proud network of small and independent businesses. A Yes vote on Issue 1 will subject highly impactful Constitutional changes to a higher standard of vetting and show the residents of our state that Ohio is open for business.

Ohio Hotel & Lodging Association: Joe Savarise, president and CEO

For far too long, the Ohio Constitution has been an easy target for those seeking to enact harmful policies or further narrow special interest initiatives outside of the traditional legislative process. This is equally bad for Ohioans of all perspectives and affiliations. A YES vote on August 8th will ensure that policies based on changing attitudes that would negatively impact our employees and those who rely on our services are not permanently enshrined in our state’s foundational document.

Ohio Farm Bureau: Adam Sharp, executive director

Our members created policies through our grassroots process which strongly supports these proposed constitutional changes. Making the process of amending Ohio’s Constitution more fair and thoughtful is something our members think is important and this resolution will accomplish just that.

Ohio voters, no matter which county they are from, have differing ideas when they head to the polls, so leaving half of the state’s counties out of the petition process for any statewide constitutional amendment change doesn’t seem right. This isn’t about one single social issue for our members. It is about getting all corners of the state involved when a constitutional amendment that would impact all Ohioans is at stake. For too long, many of Ohio’s rural communities have been overlooked and not had a voice on what amendments to the constitution may be considered.

Read the Ohio Farm Bureau editorial at

Sportsmen's Alliance: General statement

The Sportsmen’s Alliance was founded in the late 1970s to fight a ballot initiative to ban trapping. Those who were around for that battle will remember that our victory was the result of a long and very expensive fight, with sportsmen throughout Ohio answering the call to send the anti’s packing back to the East and West Coasts. Then later, the Sportsmen’s Alliance led the charge in the battle over mourning dove hunting and, once again, we prevailed. That, too, was a very long, hard-fought victory, and yes, it was very expensive.

In modern America, anti-hunters have billions of dollars at their disposal, so what Issue 1 is really about is protecting the Ohio Constitution against radical out-of-staters and their extremist ideologies. They want to come to Ohio, buy ballot victories and stuff their ideology down your throat. We must stop them. Ballot issues are our greatest vulnerability for one reason — they are almost always won by the side with the most money. The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) alone has nearly a quarter of a billion dollars at their disposal.

We’ve managed a lot of ballot issue campaigns in our 45-year history, and the facts are clear. The side that spends the most wins the vast majority of fights. This is the reality we face. America’s hunters and trappers are of modest means, and we simply cannot raise the multiple millions required to fight the anti-hunters on one ballot initiative after another when they can easily raise tens of millions in one fundraising appeal.

Associated Builders and Contractors Ohio: General statement

The content of Ohio’s foundational document — our state constitution — should enjoy broad public support. We lessen public support when we allow our state constitution to include special interest amendments with slim majority support. We recommend a yes vote on Issue 1.

Ohio Pork Council: Cheryl Day, executive vice president

As an organization representing the interests of Ohio's pork industry, we firmly believe that this initiative will enhance the integrity and effectiveness of the state’s constitutional amendment process. This thoughtful adjustment will ensure that any amendments to our state constitution truly reflect the will of the people. By raising the threshold, we can ensure that future constitutional changes are not made haphazardly or without substantial consensus. The Ohio Pork Council recognizes the importance of an equitable and fair democratic system that protects the interests of all citizens. The proposed amendment strikes a balance between protecting individual rights and enabling changes for the betterment of Ohio.

Ohio Chamber of Commerce: Steve Stivers, CEO

Issue 1 presents a pivotal opportunity to create stronger safeguards for Ohio’s legislative process. A YES Vote on Issue 1 will protect Ohioans from those seeking to enact anti-business policies like the current effort to massively increase Ohio’s minimum wage and eliminate the tipped wage. This August 8th, The Ohio Chamber of Commerce urges a YES Vote on Issue 1.

Joe D. "Buck" Ruth is a longtime small-game hunter and gun owner who spent nearly three decades in the news industry.

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.