OFCC PAC announces first round of 2004 Endorsements
The fight to restore Ohioans' right to self-defense was not an easy one, and passage of House Bill 12 came at a great price.
While Ohio's new concealed carry law is already saving lives, many important provisions were left out, and many more harmful provisions were inserted, in order to get a law.
Calls for making legislative improvements to this law started almost the day it was passed. But know this - efforts to "reform the reform" will only be as successful as are efforts to achieve victory in the November elections. We must protect our "veto-proof" majority in the Ohio House, and we must change the makeup of the Ohio Senate, if we are to make improvements to this law anytime before Bob Taft leaves office in 2006.
Several OFCC members formed the OFCC Political Action Committee just over two months before the 2002 elections. In spite of this short time, the PAC was credited by pro-CCW legislators in the General Assembly as having influenced the outcome of several key elections.
In 2004, we plan to take advantage of the extra time! Please review the ENDORSEMENTS listed below, keeping in mind that candidate surveys have been submitted to all House and Senate Candidates, and that other endorsements are forthcoming:
Ohio House 2004
Ohio Senate 2004
It's time to GET INVOLVED! With your financial contributions and volunteer support, we will be able to ensure that future Ohio general assemblies protect and improve upon Ohio's new concealed carry law.
Your votes are crucial to protecting and increasing the pro-CCW majority! As we all know well from the 2000 Presidential race, a small number of votes can make a BIG difference in the outcome. The deadline to be registered in order to vote in the next election is 30 days prior to Election Day. Click here to request an online Voter Registration form.
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