BFA testifies in favor of SB 32, Sen. Shaffer's bill to provide civil immunity
On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, Buckeye Firearms Association provided testimony in favor of Senate Bill 32.
This bill seeks to grant civil immunity to a person who acts in self-defense or to protect the members or guests of a nonprofit corporation under certain circumstances.
BFA applauds Sen. Shaffer's proactive work on this issue, and urges committee members to pass this bill and bring it to the Senate floor for a vote.
Here is the text of BFA's testimony:
Testimony of Rob Sexton
On behalf of Buckeye Firearms Association
Before the Senate Judiciary Committee
May 22, 2024, 10:30 AMChairman Manning, members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I am Rob Sexton, Legislative Affairs Director for Buckeye Firearms Association.
I am here to speak as a proponent of Senator Shaffer's Senate Bill 32, which would provide civil immunity for law abiding people who act in self-defense or in defense of others within a non-profit organization or at an event organized or as part of a non-profit event. This bill continues the progress made by the General Assembly to hold law breakers responsible for criminal behavior while protecting the law-abiding.
Senator Shaffer previously authored, and this body enacted, legislation providing this same civil immunity to non-profit organizations themselves in this same situation. Previously, the General Assembly provided similar protection to for-profit businesses.
The need for Senate Bill 32 came into clear focus for me this past week as we at Buckeye Firearms Association attended the 25th Annual National Firearms Law Seminar held by the National Rifle Association. Each year the NRA brings in the nation's top legal scholars who provide continuing education to attendees on the relevant cases regarding firearms. One presentation in particular addressed selective prosecution against people who had clearly acted in self-defense.
What all these people had in common is that they had acted in the defense of others along with themselves, and in return had their very freedom placed in jeopardy as a result. While Senate Bill 32 is about civil immunity, the same principles apply. Being sued is a tremendously traumatizing event and can be financially catastrophic. Even those who eventually prevail haven't really won as they've incurred tens of thousands or more in legal fees and had their good names assaulted in a public forum. Instead they have only avoided greater injury from the damages themselves.
Senate Bill 32 extends civil protection for people who do the right thing. We want people to do the right thing. We want lives to be saved, as we have seen countless times when someone intervenes against a murderer. And we have seen what happens when good people do nothing. Senate Bill 32 helps to focus responsibility for violent acts on the criminals themselves and prevents the addition of more victims who are caught up in our legal system after the fact because they acted to save lives.
We appreciate Senator Shaffer's perseverance on this matter and ask that this committee vote to send this bill for consideration before the full Senate. I am happy to answer any questions committee members may have. Thank you.
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