Enquirer: Shift in Supreme Court ''could affect concealed-carry suit''

Upon it's formation in the summer of 2002, the first action OFCC PAC took was to evaluate and endorse candidates for Ohio Supreme Court. We recognized early in the the 2002 campaign season that the only hope for the Hamilton County suit challenging the constitutionality of Ohio's ban on carrying concealed weapons was to elect two conservative justices; to create a shift in the court to a Constitutionalist majority.

Thanks in large part to the efforts of volunteers and supporters of OFCC PAC, Ohioans succeeded in electing a new conservative majority on the court last November.

The Cincinnati Enquirer has printed a story which attempts to survey how this change may effect the Hamilton County case, among other key Ohio cases.

"A look at the Supreme Court's upcoming term shows a few cases that could show how the court's balance of power has changed.

The concealed weapons suit will offer an interesting test.

Filing two years ago in a Hamilton County Common Pleas court, plaintiffs convinced Judge Robert Ruehlman to throw out laws banning concealed weapons as unconstitutional. [A four judge appeals court unanimously agreed.]

The high court suspended that [appeals court] order and is expected to hear oral arguments sometime next year."

Click here to read the entire story in the Cincinnati Enquirer.

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