Letter to Salvation Army
Ohioans For Concealed Carry continues to receive letters from persons upset about the Salvation Army's decision to post discriminatory and dangerous "no-guns" in their retail stores.
Following is one (shortened) example...along with a canned reply which is being copied to anyone who emails the Army about this issue:
Why we donated $550 worth of items to someone else
From: Gary M.
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2004 22:49:37 -0500
CC: "Ohioans for Concealed Carry"
To: [email protected]
To the Salvation Army,
A few days ago we took two vans full of items worth over $550 to one of the
Ohio Thrift Stores. We would have preferred to have donated them to your
organization. However, as a concealed carry permit holder, and a member of
Ohioan's for Concealed Carry, I will refrain from making any further
donations to your organization until you remove those no guns signs from
all of your facilities. The only thing they accomplish is to set up
criminal protection zones in your stores. Criminals know that you have
disarmed your customers by forcing them to leave their protection behind in
their cars. They are sitting ducks for robberies in your parking lots and
your stores. Just this morning one of my co-workers told me that her
daughter witnessed a robbery attempt in the Target store on Brice Road in
Reynoldsburg on Saturday or Sunday. A man grabbed a woman's purse and was
trying to get away with it. Another woman who had a concealed carry permit
came to her aid. She pulled out her gun and order the robber to let
go. She succeeded in scaring the robber off and prevented the robbery.
If you care so much about protecting the criminals in your stores by
disarming your law abiding customers, and you care so little for my
personal safety in your parking lots and your store, then you'll never see
another donation from me again so long as your misguided no guns policy is
in place. However, if at some point you decide to remove those signs and
the protection they now give to criminals, we will once again make you our
first priority for donations in the future. Thanks.
Gary M.
Gahanna, OH
Subject: Re: Why we donated $550 worth of items to someone else
From: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 10:06:42 -0500
To: Gary M.
CC: "Ohioans for Concealed Carry"
There is no doubt you are passionate about your right to bear arms. We
certainly support that right protected by the constitution of the United
States. We are saddened by your decision. The same reasons to donate to
the Army yesterday are still valid today.
May God richly bless you.
Related Story:
Salvation Army to some donors & shoppers: ''Merry Christmas...and STAY OUT''
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