State Sen. Joy Padgett endorses Jim Petro for Governor
When it comes to the 2006 governor's race, the Republican primary has been in gear almost since Bob Taft took his oath for the final time in 2003.
Now that the Presidential election is behind everyone, it is quickly becoming apparent that voters in Ohio are likely to truly have a choice among GOP primary candidates in 2006. OFCC members heard from Secretary of State Ken Blackwell at the first annual Picnic in the Park in 2004 about his intentions to run for governor. Attorney General Jim Petro has made frequent headlines by working both on implentation and in defense of Ohio's new concealed carry law, and will be seeking the office. Finally, State Auditor Betty Montgomery has also expressed a desire to be Governor.
This is good news for gun owners in our state, because the competition will force candidates to take clear positions on issues that matter to us (reducing the likelihood that another faux pro-gun candidate will make it through the process).
As the candidates enter this pre-primary phase in earnest, the coalition of supporters each have been working to build are beginning to become apparent, and will obviously become much more visible in the coming months.
OFCC PAC has learned that Attorney General Jim Petro's campaign is distributing a letter this week authored by State Senator Joy Padgett. Padgett has expressed her support and endorsement for Petro, and highlights the gun issue as one that has specifically influenced her decision.
As the campaign kicks into high gear, the OFCC PAC will continue report such news on ALL the potential candidates whenever it becomes available.
To download Senator Padgett's letter of endorsement and request for funds, click here (.pdf).
To read the letter online, click on the "Read More..." link below.
From the Desk of State Senator Joy Padgett
211 South 5th Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Tuesday Afternoon
Dear Friend,
There is a big difference between talk and action when it comes to supporting your Second Amendment rights.
This is why I am supporting Jim Petro for Ohio Governor in 2006. A lot of elected officials talk about supporting the
Second Amendment. But only a few like Attorney General Jim Petro put that talk into action.
My name is State Senator Joy Padgett, and I’ve worked hard to protect and expand your Second Amendment rights, including
introducing several concealed carry laws.
I am writing to you today to let you know that as Attorney General, Jim Petro has been standing with me and protecting
your rights.
As Attorney General, Jim Petro worked hard to support the Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens in Ohio.
His support was key in passing Ohio’s concealed carry law.
After the law was passed, it took a strong leader to clear the regulatory hurdles so the law could take effect.
Jim Petro worked with law enforcement and gun advocacy groups to make sure Ohio’s concealed carry law was implemented
the right way.
Thanks to Jim Petro, the concealed carry law came into effect on time, and our gun rights were preserved.
Jim Petro even successfully defended the law before the Ohio Supreme Court when anti-gun activists tried to kill it.
Thanks to Jim Petro, county sheriffs began issuing concealed carry licenses on April 8, 2004—Right on schedule.
26,307 licenses were issued to law-abiding citizens in the first three months the law was enforced.
It is so important that Ohio elects officials like Jim Petro who believe in your Second Amendment rights.
That is why I am writing to you today.
Jim Petro has earned the trust of gun owners as Attorney General. And, with your support, he will continue fighting for
your rights as Ohio’s next Governor.
Other candidates will not be strong defenders of your Second Amendment rights.
Anti-gun activists are doing everything they can to limit your rights—Filing lawsuits, getting liberal judges to place
injunctions on law enforcement, trying to overturn our laws.
As Attorney General, Jim Petro defended our pro-Second Amendment legislation and protected our rights in the courts.
He’s proven he will stand up for Ohio gun owners, and has earned our support.
Show your support today by returning the enclosed reply envelope and thanking him for defending our rights.
As your Attorney General Jim Petro accomplished a lot.
• Implemented Ohio’s concealed carry law
• Created a website to answer your questions about Ohio gun laws
• Worked with law enforcement and gun advocacy groups to make sure your voice was heard
• Successfully defended our concealed carry law in the Ohio Supreme Court
With your support, I know he will do even more in the Governor’s office.
Ohio needs a Governor who believes in, and will be a strong voice for, your Second Amendment rights.
Not only is Jim Petro a strong leader on your rights to carry a gun, he’s a strong leader on the issues that face Ohio.
One issue where Jim Petro has taken the lead is eliminating wasteful government spending.
Jim Petro is a true fiscal conservative. He has a plan to streamline Ohio’s government for efficiency and effectiveness
that will reduce the duplication of services in state agencies and help reduce the bureaucracy.
Jim Petro’s plan will save taxpayers over $1 Billion a year and make the state more responsive to our needs.
As Governor, Jim Petro will also develop partnerships with local governments and the business community to create an
environment that attracts businesses to invest in Ohio.
The simple fact is that in order to be a strong advocate for something you must believe in it. And Jim Petro’s record
shows he deserves your support for Governor.
I’ve worked hard to defend your Second Amendment rights, so I know which elected officials are on the side of the gun
owners, and which are not.
Jim Petro has proven he will defend gun owners’ rights.
That’s why I am supporting him. And why you should support him too.
Joy Padgett
State Senator
P.S. Jim Petro has been a strong advocate of protecting and expanding our Second Amendment rights. He’s earned our support for Governor. Please send in your reply
form along with your contribution of $100, $75, $50 or even $35 today so Jim Petro can continue fighting for our rights.
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