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Headline: Conceal/carry signs going, going, gone

The Wilmington News Journal is reporting.

From the story:

Gun-banning signs at the entrances to J.W. Denver Williams Jr. Memorial Park have been pulled. Similar signs posted at the entrances to the Clinton County Fairground are expected to soon come down, too.

A formal, written opinion recently issued by Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro says signs cannot ban guns from city parkland. Rather, guns can be banned only within buildings in a city park, said Wilmington Director of Law Kathryn H. Hapner.

Likewise, Assistant Clinton County Prosecutor Rick Moyer talked Wednesday with a Clinton County Agricultural Society officer and advised that a person cannot carry a gun into a fairground building, but that the state's concealed-carry handgun law differentiates between public buildings and public grounds.

For the past year, OFCC TeamLeader Tim Inwood has worked diligently to educate these city officials. Initially, his efforts were met with frustration. Despite having told her exactly what Attorney General Petro's opinion now confirmed, Wilmington Law Director Kathryn Hapner told this newspaper last August that "I just think that we need to use some common sense. I mean, why would you want to take a loaded weapon into the Denver Williams park? I mean to me that just seems ridiculous."

Although it took far more effort than it should have to get these public officials to understand the law, we are please to see that Attorney General Petro’s reinforcement has been accepted as the final word. If only the City of Clyde were so prudent…

Click here for a list of businesses, as well and cities, counties and other political subdivisions of the state that have removed signs and stopped discriminating against Ohio CHL-holders.

Related Stories: Petro finds ''no-guns'' signs on fairgrounds NOT valid

Wilmington Law Director: Maybe they'll sue Toledo instead of us

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