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Canada: Crime rate 66% higher in Prairie Provinces than in 4 bordering US states

April 26, 2005
News Release

Today, Saskatchewan M.P., Garry Breitkreuz, Conservative Firearms Critic, released two Library of Parliament research papers that concluded:

    ”Comparing average crime rates for 2003 in the three prairie provinces and in the four bordering states as presented in the report for those crimes that are similarly defined and measured in both countries, we found that, in total, both violent and property crime rates were two thirds higher in the Canadian prairie provinces than in the four border states. Average crime rates were higher in the Canadian Prairies for all crimes with comparable definitions and statistics in the U.S.A.: Homicide – 1.1x higher; Aggravated assault, assault with a weapon and attempted murder – 1.5 x higher; Robbery – 2.1x higher; Breaking and Entering – 2.3x higher; and Motor Vehicle Theft – 3.2x higher.”

"These two reports expose two Liberal deceptions; one, that Canadian gun laws reduce crime; and two, that more legally-owned guns results in more crime."

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