White flag? Jointogether.org will no longer publish gun violence news...
Jointogether.org, which was originally founded to combat substance abuse, began supporting gun control efforts after having received funding by the anti-gun Joyce Foundation in 1996, and again by the David Bohnett Foundation in 2001.
Last week, JoinTogether.org announced that, as of May 30, it would cease its practice of publishing gun violence news. Since no explanation is given, this announcement begs for speculation:
Did JTO decide to stop publishing gun violence news because they:
- A) Finally realized publishing story after story about how criminals with guns were hurting people was actually promoting gun ownership among law-abiding citizens?
B) Realized far more people die as a result of accidents by doctors in hospitals than from accidents with firearms, and needed the space on their website to start publishing “doctor safety” advice?
C) Lost their big money grants from subversive anti-gun foundations?
Inquiring minds want to know…
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