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Tale of Two Cities: Lebanon woman robbed, New Orleans woman gets apology

Jeremy W. White, of 4936 Bordeauz Lane (Mason), and Shane P. Prince, of 3505 W. Ohio, robbed a Maineville woman at gunpoint Nov. 13 after following her from her driveway into her garage.

The next day, they robbed residents at apartment complexes near where Prince lived.

This week, Prince and White were sentenced to 9 and 10 years respectively.

Meanwhile, in a state that allows law-abiding citizens to carry a concealed handgun for self-defense, a shockingly different outcome occurred in this attempted robbery:

The Times-Picayune/The States-Item, New Orleans, LA, 11/1/83

Debra Luchion had just gotten out of her car and was about to enter a New Orleans supermarket when a man rode up on a bicycle and threatened to "blow her head off" unless she gave him money. Luchion promptly drew a gun, whereupon the man apologized and hastily pedaled off.

• Could the lifting of Ohio's unconstitutional ban on carrying a concealed weapon for self-defense have saved these Lebanon robbery victims?

Contact information for the area's elected officials is provided below:

State House of Representatives
>Rep. Tom Raga (R-67)
Phone: (614) 644-6027
Fax: (614) 644-9494

State Senate
>Sen. Robert Schuler (R-7)
Phone: (614) 466-9737

Click here to read the entire story from the Dayton Daily News.

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