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''Victim Zone'' exclusions are BAD for law-abiding Ohio citizens

As the Ohio General Assembly looks ahead to committee consideration of HB12 and SB24, we believe serious consideration should be given to removing language involving the creation of "victim zones" in Ohio, where persons are prohibited from exercising their constitutional right to self-defense.

Check out this latest account of a woman being attacked in a church:

Greensboro Daily News, Greensboro, NC

Addie Whitesides, a church cleaning woman in Charlotte, N.C., was at work before dawn when she came face to face with a prowler. Screaming, Mrs. Whitesides ran for the door, followed by the man. Once outside she drew a pistol and held it on the intruder until police arrived. She has carried the gun since the church was broken into recently.

In case you missed them, here are three more recently published stories detailing the dangers of creating victim zones:

Tale of Two Cities: Lima woman raped, OKC woman escapes attack in church

Sanford (NC) church congregation robbed at gunpoint; one man shot

Purses being stolen outside day cares

• Every day that Ohio's Republican leadership waits to pass concealed carry reform increases the defenseless victim list in our state. Ohio's unconstitutional ban on carrying a concealed weapon is, like all other laws, continually ignored by the very criminals the law seeks to restrain.

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Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. Read more.