Tale of Two Cities: West Jefferson family robbed; Tacoma couple shoots back
WEST JEFFERSON - Police report that a 27-year-old man, his 20-year-old wife and the couple's infant child were returning to their 50 1/2 S. Main St. apartment after cashing their tax return check on Jan. 23, when they were approached in a stairwell by two white males in ski masks.
Ronald Killian III, 20, and Charles R. Hutchins III, 19, held the couple against a wall and threatened them with a knife. The two men "threatened to kill the baby if they didn't get what they wanted." The two fled with what the chief described as a large amount of money.
The Jan. 23 robbery was one of three that occurred within a couple of days in and around London.
Killian and Hutchins face first-degree felony charges for the armed robbery.
Meanwhile, in a state that allows its law-abiding citizens to carry a concealed handgun for self-defense, a different outcome resulted when this Washington couple were confronted by an armed robber outside their Tacoma home:
Click on the Read More..." link below for the full story.
Post-Intelligencer, Seattle, WA
A young thug jumped from behind a car parked in the drive of Earl and Carol Acker's Tacoma, Wash., home and ordered them inside the house at gunpoint. When the sound of an alarm distracted him, Acker plucked a handgun from his waistband and a struggle ensued. During the scuffle Acker dropped his gun, but his wife picked it up and fired several times, sending the would-be thief fleeing.
• Could the lifting of Ohio's unconstitutional ban on carrying a concealed weapon for self-defense have saved these West Jefferson robbery victims?
Contact information for the area's elected officials is provided below:
State House of Representatives
• Rep. Christopher Widener (R-84)
Phone: (614) 466-1470
Fax: (614) 644-9494
State Senate
>Sen. Steven Austria (R-10)
Phone: (614) 466-3780
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