GOA Fighting to Win the Hearts & Minds of the Next Generation
-- Ask Your Reps. to Attend Important Congressional Briefing on
Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408
Friday, November 11, 2005
Education. In the long-run, it will determine the outcome of many
political battles that are yet to come.
Right now, the civics education that is being presented in our public
schools is aimed at convincing young minds that the Second Amendment
is neither relevant nor applicable for today.
For example, We the People (a federally subsidized textbook that is
being used throughout the country) chips away at our national
sovereignty, praises our dependence upon the United Nations,
downplays the Founders' vision on the importance of federalism, and
desecrates the Bill of Rights -- both ignoring the Tenth Amendment
and suggesting that our Second Amendment rights are no longer
Well, Gun Owners of America is fighting back.
Click on the "Read More..." link below for more.
GOA is teaming up with two other organizations (Eagle Forum and
EdAction) to host a congressional briefing to educate our elected
officials on the importance of passing serious education reform.
One of the goals of this briefing is to push the Freedom in Education
Act -- draft legislation which, among other things, would return
education to the localities by cutting off federal funding for all
curricula, including the We the People textbook.
Federal funding, for too many years, has meant federal control. And
federal control has resulted in the dumbing down of America's school
children, who have been led to believe that so-called "rights" as
defined by the U.N. are more important than the rights listed in our
own Constitution.
The Freedom in Education Act would provide a good, first step in the
right direction. And it would do so without adding more federal
control. Just the opposite... this bill removes federal control over
an area that is vital to the preservation of our liberties.
It has been said that the principles taught in the classroom in one
generation will become public policy in the next. That's why
reforming education in this country is so important.
You can go to http://www.gunowners.org/fs0306.htm to read a more
in-depth analysis of the problems in the We the People curriculum.
And then, please take action.
- 2059 reads