Exposed: The anti-gunners behind Issues 2 through 5
When Buckeye Firearms Association's Larry Moore first sounded the alarm bells about why gun owners needed to pay attention to State Issues 2, 3, 4, and 5, many Second Amendment supports probably wondered what the Issues had to do with their gun rights. Our answer was simple - a fair and open elections process has everything to do with our gun rights, and the anti-gun people who were trying to change all that needed to be exposed for what they were.
Back in September, Moore warned voters that "these issues will make participation in PACs, such as the Buckeye Firearms Association, more difficult and limit our free speech in the political process." He told readers of this website that alarm bells should be ringing over knowledge of who was behind this push for Issues 2 through 5.
"Almost 94% of the money raised in support of [Reform Ohio Now] has come from out of state," Moore said in September. "Even more concerning to gun owners should be the fact that just over 48% has come from organizations that are funded by George Soros."
Now that the election is over, the press is finally coming clean on all the liberal, anti-gun money men who were behind this attempted power-grab.
Click on the "Read More..." link below for more.
Various entities in the establishment media are finally revealing that even more of George Soros' money was funneled into this effort than previously reported. As we told you in September, it was already established that Soros had already laundered contributions to RON through organizations such as Common Cause. But the final campaign finance records reveal that another $300,000 contribution from Soros was given to RON through a shadowy group called Citizens To End Corruption the day before the election!
Other contributors to RON directly or indirectly? None other than Ohio's own anti-gun billionaire, and a Rockefeller liberal from New York City.
From The Dayton Daily News:
- The largest contribution to RON was $125,000 from Rockefeller heir and frequent Democratic donor Alida Messinger of New York City, who gave the same amount to the Citizens group.
The Citizens group had four $300,000 contributions, including from Progessive Corp. chairman and philanthropist Peter Lewis and billionaire George Soros, a patron of
The founder of Progressive Insurance, Peter B. Lewis, is well-known for advocating stronger gun control laws, but weaker drug laws. According to the Associated Press, Lewis was arrested for marijuana possession in January of 2000 in New Zealand.
Alida Messinger gave $2,250,000 to the 527 group known as America Coming Together in 2004 in an attempt to buy the Presidency for anti-gunner John Kerry.
Like Messinger, Soros literally spent a fortune attempting to buy the Presidency for Kerry, and is also a donor to the wolf in sheeps' clothing known as Americans For Gun Safety.
"Nobody is surprised," state Rep. Kevin DeWine, R-Fairborn told the Toledo Blade. "When you looked at the organizations supporting Reform Ohio Now, we knew they were groups historically backed by George Soros. This is just a straight-in-the-front-door listing of what we already knew was going on."
The proof is in. Like our nation's free speech-stealing campaign finance "reform", Ohio Issues 2 through 5 were not the "restore power for the little guy" reforms they were billed to be, but instead amounted to another attempted power grab by a rich few anti-gun liberal extremists.
Thanks in part to gun owners who were paying attention, Ohio Issues 2, 3, 4, and 5 were all soundly defeated in county after county throughout the state.
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