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Reality Check for the Ohio Highway Patrol: Don't Get ''Borned''

In a Columbus Dispatch article about the expected progress of Ohio House Bill 12, Ohio Highway Patrol Capt. John Born reiterated the OHP's opposition to any bill that would allow citizens their right to self-defense in an automobile.

"We do not want a loaded firearm readily accessible to the driver of a car,'' said Born.

When presented with the fact that a firearm is useless in a pinch if it's locked up, Born responded: "If there's a dangerous situation and you're in your car, you can drive off.''

What follows are just a few of the many defenseless persons in our state who have suffered under John Born's idea of self-defense. Many Ohioans just don't have the luxury of just "driving off" when under attack.

Man says he was shot while sitting in vehicle

Toledo police said an Old West End man was shot in his car early Monday, February 17.

Antoinne Neal said he was in his car in front of his home at 3386 Glenwood Ave. at 3:42 a.m. when a man leaped from a vehicle and fired at him.

Police said Mr. Neal’s vehicle was struck five times; Mr. Neal was hit once in the back. A police report said he drove himself to St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center.


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