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ATTENTION: anti-CCW State Rep. Otterman holding office hours in Akron this week

Pro-CCW residents of House District 45 in Akron will have the opportunity to speak to their representative face-to-face this week. State Rep. Robert J. Otterman, D-Akron, will hold office hours on Thursday and Friday.

Otterman is a consistent anti-CCW voter. Interested constituents may wish to take copies of the OFCC PAC Education Guide, and this Akron "Tale of Two Cities" article, to a visit with Rep. Otterman.

Click on the "Read More..." link below for more.

AKRON - State Rep. Robert J. Otterman, D-Akron, will hold office hours on Thursday and Friday. He will be at the Barberton Library, 602 W. Park Ave., from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Thursday, then from 6:45 to 8:15 p.m. at the Kenmore Library, 2200 14th St. S.W. On Friday he will be at the Chamberlain Library, 760 E. Archwood Ave., from 3 to 4:30 p.m.

Otterman said he plans to hold office hours the last Thursday and Friday of every month, dividing his time between five local libraries in his district.

No appointments are necessary.

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