A Woman’s Right to Choose
By Rachel Chumita
A woman has the right to choose. Isn’t that what everyone (especially the media) has been screaming for years? Well, I believe that, to an extent. A woman has the right to choose many things. A woman can choose what she wants to wear, what she wants to eat, where she wants to shop, what she wants to carry, and various other things. Yes, you read that correctly, the right to keep and bear arms does not just apply to men.
Unfortunately, many women don’t see it that way. Many women look at guns as scary weapons, instead of a great means of self-defense. Instead of choosing the right to arm themselves, women take useless self-defense classes. I am a strong believer that self-defense classes often cause more harm than good. They give women a false sense of security. I know, this firsthand because I took a self-defense class one semester of college. Every night after getting out of class I would think to myself “I dare any rapist to try to mess with me.” All that changed though when I decided to practice some of my moves on my husband (then boyfriend). Although he is a bit on the smaller side, it amazed me at how easily he overpowered me. I’ve heard feminists claim that women are every bit as strong as men. If that were true, why do women have to meet lower standards than men for physical agility tests? Although I’ve met some pretty tough girls, the vast majority of women would not be able to defend themselves against even the smallest of men.
Being only 4’11”, I am well aware that I would be an easy target. A firearm gives me a chance to defend myself. The risk I am at due to my size used to be a major concern to me, before I met Chris, the man who would become my husband. When I met him I knew a little about guns, and I thought they were a good thing; but I never really thought that I would be able to shoot one, let alone be able to carry one around with me. Like I said though, that was before I met my husband. Chris taught me just how important Second Amendment rights are. He took me to the shooting range and taught me how to handle and shoot a gun. I learned that guns aren’t just for guys; I was actually able to hit a target! For our one year anniversary of dating, Chris bought me a cute little Kel-Tec P3AT that fit my hand a lot better than his Sigs. I was surprised at how easily I was able to shoot and control my new gun. I now believe that I proficient enough in my skills to get my concealed handgun license (CHL).
However, lately a women’s right choose is under attack. So called women’s rights organizations will fight over the right to abort an unborn baby, but they completely oppose the rights of women to defend themselves with firearms. Numerous stores across Ohio have posted no concealed carry signs, which put women at more of a risk of getting raped or killed. The law prohibits concealed carry on college campuses, making female students more vulnerable to attack as they walk to and from classes; especially night classes. Politicians say they’re for women’s rights, but then they turn around and pass anti-gun legislation! Employer’s are careful not to discriminate against women while hiring, but then they ban employees from carrying; making those same women defenseless.
Its time for more people to stand up for a woman’s right to choose. The right to choose when and where she wants to carry. The right to choose between a semi-auto and a revolver. The right to choose between a Kel-Tec and a Glock. And the right to choose how big of a bullet she wants to put into someone who tries to rape or kill her or one of her children! Its time for more women to stand up and say “We want the freedom of choice.” And by “choice” I mean a worthwhile right, a right that’s actually granted by the constitution. It’s also time for more men to stand up for their woman’s right. More men should educate their moms, wives, girlfriends, and sisters about their right to keep and bear arms. Guys should be taking girls to the shooting range, teaching them how to defend themselves, and showing them that guns are not just guy things and are anything but “bad”. Yes, as a woman, I have the right to choose, and I’m choosing to protect myself.
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