The Uninvited Ombudsman Report - No. 18
Taken from this week’s “Page Nine” Alan Korwin’s “The uninvited Ombudsman Report”
1- The lamestream media told you:
One boy fired one shot from one gun into one ceiling of one schoolroom in one state, Ohio, and his gun jammed, according to CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, MSN, the AP wire, and newspapers nationwide. The tale was repeated for days in every city in America.
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
A teenager in Corpus Christi, Texas, saved his mother and himself by killing a knife-wielding intruder in their home, with a single gunshot from his Dad's sidearm.
Rose Ann Kozlowski had just returned from buying groceries when the man appeared early Monday afternoon. Her son, 14, had come home from school because of illness, the Corpus Christi Caller Times reported, in a story picked up by virtually nobody else. "This is typical behavior for lamestream media," industry observers noted.
The intruder took Kozlowski and her son to the master bedroom, tied them up and looted the house, loading the booty into Kozlowski's car.
Kozlowski got loose, gave her husband's handgun to her son and tried to hold the door against the intruder, who police said "repeatedly threatened to kill them."
As the intruder forced the door open, the boy fired through the crack, hitting the perpetrator in the head and killing him instantly, Police Capt. John Houston said. "He took a life-saving measure to save his mother and himself," the police captain said.
News like this is deliberately suppressed, while victimless shootings are maliciously spread, to vilify guns, convince the public that guns have no decent purpose, and promote a lamestream agenda of hopeless victimhood, experts say.
The wildly promoted story of a harmless shot to the roof of a building in Ohio had no victim, no bloodshed, no trauma, no hero, and almost no news value, even near where it occurred.
The suppressed story of a shot to the head of a homicidal maniac in Texas had tense drama, blood and guts, victims who narrowly survived a felony assault, a hero, a dispatched criminal, commendations from the police who in typical fashion only arrived in time to pick up the pieces, American-style self reliance, and all the sensational values lamestream reporters and editors usually say they look for in a story. Knowledgeable observers say they lie.
Click on 'Read More' for additional Uninvited Ombudsman reporting.
2- The lamestream media told you:
The fighting and atrocities in Darfur are getting so bad politicians worldwide don't know what to do. The United Nations would send in troops, but Sudan will not allow them in, presumably so they can continue to rape and execute militias and the people of Darfur. A cry to have U.S. forces summarily invade the troubled region has been ignored by the State Dept. so far, which labels the situation a genocide.
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
The Muslim government in Sudan appears determined to wipe out the Muslims in the Darfur region, because they hate each other. All the combatants are Black. The racial and religious nature of the conflict has been blacked out in virtually all mainstream news reports, but can be found easily by entering Darfur Muslims into a search engine, further enhancing the web's reputation for actually delivering news. Reporters either cannot do web searches for unknown reasons, or are suppressing the racial and religious information for unknown reasons.
Muslim nations that proliferate in the area have declined to step in and stop the Islamic warfare, for unknown reasons.
The deliberate suppression of context in the African nation's troubles might hurt news-media credibility, experts speculate. Because the average news consumer is clueless as to what is really going on, credibility may not be hurt, other experts believe.
If you would like to read this type of reporting in your local paper, send the editor a note asking them to reprint the "Page Nine." If enough of us ask, we may be pleasantly surprised by the results.
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