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Toledo Blade: Hidden-gun proposal gains in House

The Toledo Blade has written an article on the passage of HB12, and borrowed a headline from Toledoan Toby Hoover (Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence) to describe this legislation as a bill that would allow "hidden guns" to be carried by Ohioans.

"How can any member of this House, man or woman, vote yes when the Ohio State Patrol says the bill imperils every member of that 1,500-member force?" asked Rep. Tyrone Yates (D., Cincinnati).

"All of our border states ... have concealed-carry laws that are no more restrictive than House Bill 12," said Rep. Jim Aslanides (R., Coshocton), the bill’s sponsor. "Yet there has been no reporting of widespread gun violence."

Commentary by Chad D. Baus:
Speaking of Toby Hoover: we are in receipt of her latest email alert, calling for action in the wake of HB12's passage.

In her latest OCAGV email alert, announcing HB12's passage, Toby Hoover tells her anti-gun minions that "we can stop this if each of us call our Mayor, principal of our kids school (this bill allows being in a school zone with a permit so that they can pick their kids up from school), local prosecutor, police chief, Chamber of Commerce, your local hospital, doctor and dentist, our employers and the local businesses (malls, movie theaters, public buildings, day cares, nursing homes, mental health facilities) we deal with and tell them there will be guns in their places if the Senate passes House Bill 12 or the Senate Bill 24 and the Governor doesn't veto it."

Hoover neglects to mention that these facilties may elect not to allow CCW on their property, simply by posting a sign. The bill respects private property rights for churches as well, allowing a church the right to elect to allow CCW on their property if they choose.

In whining that CCW permit-holders would be permitted to pick up their children in a school "victim zone", Hoover fails to mention that this is in strict compliance with federal law, specifically U.S. Title 18.

Finally, her mention that permit-holders may be allowed in public buildings fails to account for the rather lengthy list of law enforcement, criminal justice, and higher education facilities that are made defenseless "victim zones" by HB12.

"Start making your list to call. Make a difference," Hoover cries.

Yes, lets.

Click here to read the full story in the Toledo Blade.

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