The Uninvited Ombudsman Report - No. 21

Taken from this week’s “Page Nine” Alan Korwin’s “The uninvited Ombudsman Report”
2- The lamestream media told you:

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
Imports of sporting arms and ammunition showed a 24.9 percent increase in third quarter over the same period last year, according to the U.S. International Trade Commission. Third quarter imports of handguns, muzzleloaders, shotguns, rifles, ammunition and shotshells totaled $175,664,230. For the first three quarters of the calendar year, sporting arms and ammunition import totals are up 15.2 percent over the same period in 2005, rising to $506,188,495 from $439,403,022. Source: National Shooting Sports Foundation,
The NICS federal background check for retail firearms purchases has handled more than 68 million gun sales since it began in 1998, but "news" outlets uniformly continue to suppress news of all this perfectly legal firearms activity, for reasons that were unclear at press time.
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3- The lamestream media told you:
Guns were not much of an issue in the midterm elections, few politicians brought up the subject, Democrats know it’s a loser for them, and the new Congress will have other fish to fry.
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
The Brady campaign released their gun agenda for the next Congress by direct mail on Nov. 22, absolutely giddy about changes the elections made in Congress. “We won more than 95% of the races where we endorsed a candidate,” they gushed, and now propose to:

  • Re-enact the assault weapon ban
  • Federalize all private gun sales
  • Criminalize gun-show activity
  • Strengthen the Brady law*
  • Curb illegal gun sales*
  • Pass life-saving gun laws*
  • Repeal the Lawful Commerce in Firearms Act (the frivolous lawsuit ban)
  • Limit the number of guns people can buy
    *No details provided on what these goals might actually mean.
    In addition, they plan to continue to fight for their “successes” while Republicans were in power:
  • Block national concealed carry
  • Maintain the gun-ban for Wash., D.C.
  • Ban gun sales across state lines
  • Continue gun-lock sales requirements
  • Fight anything the “sleazy” (their word) NRA proposes
  • Limit available “military-style firearms”
  • Restrict “faster-firing, bigger clip” guns
    After Katrina: “This will be a gun-free zone. We are going to confiscate every gun... Is that unreasonable?” --Illinois Democrat Senator Dick Durbin on the floor of Congress, July 13, 2006.
    The Uninvited Ombudsman asks: should politicians who violate their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution be removed from office or imprisoned?
    8- The lamestream media told you:
    A child tragically killed his sibling with the gun of his mother's live-in boyfriend this week in Phoenix (12/9/06). Guns are obviously dangerous and something should be done about this.
    The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
    The "news" media may pose an even greater risk to children than guns left floating about by reckless live-in boyfriends, experts said today.
    Although the media is fairly diligent about gun homicide stories, the effects of tobacco, obesity and unhealthful foods, and the expensive but ineffective programs to combat these horrors, they have fully neglected to point out the severe dangers of single parenting on kids. The dead child was living with a single parent, a fact that was glossed over.
    The risk of fatal abuse to such children is 73 times greater than for children with married parents, a Heritage Foundation study has found. Children living with cohabiting parents are three times more likely to have behavioral disorders than children who have married parents. Expulsion rates, disciplinary actions and learning problems show similar effects.
    Headlines on the harmful effects of "non-traditional" families, exploding rates of out-of-wedlock births, and huge increases in single-parent or cohabiting non-parent families have failed to appear in the news, for reasons which remain unclear. The effect of this hidden danger is severe, experts believe.

    If you would like to read this type of reporting in your local paper, send the editor a note asking them to reprint the "Page Nine." If enough of us ask, we may be pleasantly surprised by the results.

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